Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/py-boto3
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2024-02-29 08:01:38
Message id:

Log Message:
py-boto3: updated to 1.34.52


* api-change:``batch``: [``botocore``] This release adds Batch support for \ 
configuration of multicontainer jobs in ECS, Fargate, and EKS. This support is \ 
available for all types of jobs, including both array jobs and multi-node \ 
parallel jobs.
* api-change:``bedrock-agent-runtime``: [``botocore``] This release adds support \ 
to override search strategy performed by the Retrieve and RetrieveAndGenerate \ 
APIs for Amazon Bedrock Agents
* api-change:``ce``: [``botocore``] This release introduces the new API \ 
'GetApproximateUsageRecords', which retrieves estimated usage records for hourly \ 
granularity or resource-level data at daily granularity.
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release increases the range of \ 
MaxResults for GetNetworkInsightsAccessScopeAnalysisFindings to 1,000.
* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] This release reduces the maximum results \ 
returned per query invocation from 500 to 100 for the SearchIndex API. This \ 
change has no implications as long as the API is invoked until the nextToken is \ 
* api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] AWS WAF now supports configurable time \ 
windows for request aggregation with rate-based rules. Customers can now select \ 
time windows of 1 minute, 2 minutes or 10 minutes, in addition to the previously \ 
supported 5 minutes.


* api-change:``amplifyuibuilder``: [``botocore``] We have added the ability to \ 
tag resources after they are created


* api-change:``apigateway``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon API \ 
* api-change:``drs``: [``botocore``] Added volume status to DescribeSourceServer \ 
replicated volumes.
* api-change:``kafkaconnect``: [``botocore``] Adds support for tagging, with new \ 
TagResource, UntagResource and ListTagsForResource APIs to manage tags and \ 
updates to existing APIs to allow tag on create. This release also adds support \ 
for the new DeleteWorkerConfiguration API.
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for gp3 data \ 
volumes for Multi-AZ DB Clusters.


* api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Documentation only updates for AppSync
* api-change:``qldb``: [``botocore``] Clarify possible values for KmsKeyArn and \ 
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Add pattern and length based validations \ 
for DBShardGroupIdentifier
* api-change:``rum``: [``botocore``] Doc-only update for new RUM metrics that \ 
were added


* api-change:``internetmonitor``: [``botocore``] This release adds IPv4 prefixes \ 
to health events
* api-change:``kinesisvideo``: [``botocore``] Increasing NextToken parameter \ 
length restriction for List APIs from 512 to 1024.


* api-change:``iotevents``: [``botocore``] Increase the maximum length of \ 
descriptions for Inputs, Detector Models, and Alarm Models
* api-change:``lookoutequipment``: [``botocore``] This release adds a field \ 
exposing model quality to read APIs for models. It also adds a model quality \ 
field to the API response when creating an inference scheduler.
* api-change:``medialive``: [``botocore``] MediaLive now supports the ability to \ 
restart pipelines in a running channel.
* api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for sharing \ 
Systems Manager parameters with other AWS accounts.


* api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Publishing quick fix for doc only update.
* api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] This release updates a few Firehose \ 
related APIs.
* api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Add .NET 8 (dotnet8) Runtime support to \ 
AWS Lambda.


* api-change:``amplify``: [``botocore``] This release contains API changes that \ 
enable users to configure their Amplify domains with their own custom SSL/TLS \ 
* api-change:``chatbot``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for AWS \ 
Chatbot. You can now monitor, operate, and troubleshoot your AWS resources with \ 
interactive ChatOps using the AWS SDK.
* api-change:``config``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for the AWS Config CLI
* api-change:``ivs``: [``botocore``] Changed description for latencyMode in \ 
Create/UpdateChannel and Channel/ChannelSummary.
* api-change:``keyspaces``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon Keyspaces
* api-change:``mediatailor``: [``botocore``] MediaTailor: marking \ 
#AdBreak.OffsetMillis as required.


* api-change:``connectparticipant``: [``botocore``] Doc only update to \ 
GetTranscript API reference guide to inform users about presence of events in \ 
the chat transcript.
* api-change:``emr``: [``botocore``] adds fine grained control over Unhealthy \ 
Node Replacement to Amazon ElasticMapReduce
* api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Data \ 
Message Extraction for decompressed CloudWatch logs, and to use a custom file \ 
extension or time zone for S3 destinations.
* api-change:``lambda``: [``botocore``] Documentation-only updates for Lambda to \ 
clarify a number of existing actions and properties.
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for a valid option in DB \ 
parameter group
* api-change:``sns``: [``botocore``] This release marks phone numbers as \ 
sensitive inputs.


* api-change:``artifact``: [``botocore``] This is the initial SDK release for \ 
AWS Artifact. AWS Artifact provides on-demand access to compliance and \ 
third-party compliance reports. This release includes access to List and Get \ 
reports, along with their metadata. This release also includes access to AWS \ 
Artifact notifications settings.
* api-change:``codepipeline``: [``botocore``] Add ability to override timeout on \ 
action level.
* api-change:``detective``: [``botocore``] Doc only updates for content enhancement
* api-change:``guardduty``: [``botocore``] Marked fields IpAddressV4, \ 
PrivateIpAddress, Email as Sensitive.
* api-change:``healthlake``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new response \ 
parameter, JobProgressReport, to the DescribeFHIRImportJob and \ 
ListFHIRImportJobs API operation. JobProgressReport provides details on the \ 
progress of the import job on the server.
* api-change:``opensearch``: [``botocore``] Adds additional supported instance types.
* api-change:``polly``: [``botocore``] Amazon Polly adds 1 new voice - Burcu (tr-TR)
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new API \ 
UpdateClusterSoftware for SageMaker HyperPod. This API allows users to patch \ 
HyperPod clusters with latest platform softwares.
* api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for Secrets Manager
* api-change:``endpoint-rules``: [``botocore``] Update endpoint-rules client to \ 
latest version


* api-change:``controltower``: [``botocore``] Adds support for new Baseline and \ 
EnabledBaseline APIs for automating multi-account governance.
* api-change:``lookoutequipment``: [``botocore``] This feature allows customers \ 
to see pointwise model diagnostics results for their models.
* api-change:``qbusiness``: [``botocore``] This release adds the \ 
metadata-boosting feature, which allows customers to easily fine-tune the \ 
underlying ranking of retrieved RAG passages in order to optimize Q&A answer \ 
relevance. It also adds new feedback reasons for the PutFeedback API.


* bugfix:ContainerProvider: [``botocore``] Properly refreshes token from file \ 
from EKS in ContainerProvider
* api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support to upgrade \ 
the major version of a database.
* api-change:``marketplace-catalog``: [``botocore``] AWS Marketplace Catalog API \ 
now supports setting intent on requests
* api-change:``resource-explorer-2``: [``botocore``] Resource Explorer now uses \ 
newly supported IPv4 '' endpoints by default.
* api-change:``securitylake``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Security Lake
* api-change:``endpoint-rules``: [``botocore``] Update endpoint-rules client to \ 
latest version


* api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Adds support for new options on \ 
GraphqlAPIs, Resolvers and  Data Sources for emitting Amazon CloudWatch metrics \ 
for enhanced monitoring of AppSync APIs.
* api-change:``cloudwatch``: [``botocore``] Update cloudwatch client to latest \ 
* api-change:``neptune-graph``: [``botocore``] Adding a new option \ 
"parameters" for data plane api ExecuteQuery to support running \ 
parameterized query via SDK.
* api-change:``route53domains``: [``botocore``] This release adds bill contact \ 
support for RegisterDomain, TransferDomain, UpdateDomainContact and \ 
GetDomainDetail API.


* api-change:``amp``: [``botocore``] Overall documentation updates.
* api-change:``batch``: [``botocore``] This feature allows Batch to support \ 
configuration of repository credentials for jobs running on ECS
* api-change:``braket``: [``botocore``] Creating a job will result in \ 
DeviceOfflineException when using an offline device, and DeviceRetiredException \ 
when using a retired device.
* api-change:``cost-optimization-hub``: [``botocore``] Adding \ 
includeMemberAccounts field to the response of ListEnrollmentStatuses API.
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Documentation only update for Amazon ECS.
* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] This release allows AWS IoT Core users to \ 
enable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Stapling for TLS X.509 Server \ 
Certificates when creating and updating AWS IoT Domain Configurations with \ 
Custom Domain.
* api-change:``pricing``: [``botocore``] Add Throttling Exception to all APIs.


* api-change:``codepipeline``: [``botocore``] Add ability to execute pipelines \ 
with new parallel & queued execution modes and add support for triggers with \ 
filtering on branches and file paths.
* api-change:``quicksight``: [``botocore``] General Interactions for Visuals; \ 
Waterfall Chart Color Configuration; Documentation Update
* api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] This release introduces \ 
User-Decoupling feature. This feature allows Workspaces Core customers to \ 
provision workspaces without providing users. CreateWorkspaces and \ 
DescribeWorkspaces APIs will now take a new optional parameter \ 


* api-change:``datasync``: [``botocore``] AWS DataSync now supports manifests \ 
for specifying files or objects to transfer.
* api-change:``lexv2-models``: [``botocore``] Update lexv2-models client to \ 
latest version
* api-change:``redshift``: [``botocore``] LisRecommendations API to fetch Amazon \ 
Redshift Advisor recommendations.


* api-change:``appsync``: [``botocore``] Support for environment variables in \ 
AppSync GraphQL APIs
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] This release is a documentation only update \ 
to address customer issues.
* api-change:``es``: [``botocore``] This release adds clear visibility to the \ 
customers on the changes that they make on the domain.
* api-change:``logs``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new field, \ 
logGroupArn, to the response of the logs:DescribeLogGroups action.
* api-change:``opensearch``: [``botocore``] This release adds clear visibility \ 
to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.
* api-change:``wafv2``: [``botocore``] You can now delete an API key that you've \ 
created for use with your CAPTCHA JavaScript integration API.


* api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Introduce Catalog Encryption Role within \ 
Glue Data Catalog Settings. Introduce SASL/PLAIN as an authentication method for \ 
Glue Kafka connections
* api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Added definitions of various \ 
WorkSpace states


* api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Any number of users can execute up to \ 
50 concurrent restores (any type of restore) in a given account.
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Canvas adds \ 
GenerativeAiSettings support for CanvasAppSettings.
* api-change:``endpoint-rules``: [``botocore``] Update endpoint-rules client to \ 
latest version


* api-change:``cognito-idp``: [``botocore``] Added CreateIdentityProvider and \ 
UpdateIdentityProvider details for new SAML IdP features
* api-change:``ivs``: [``botocore``] This release introduces a new resource \ 
Playback Restriction Policy which can be used to geo-restrict or domain-restrict \ 
channel stream playback when associated with a channel.  New APIs to support \ 
this resource were introduced in the form of Create/Delete/Get/Update/List.
* api-change:``managedblockchain-query``: [``botocore``] This release adds \ 
support for transactions that have not reached finality. It also removes support \ 
for the status property from the response of the GetTransaction operation. You \ 
can use the confirmationStatus and executionStatus properties to determine the \ 
status of the transaction.
* api-change:``mediaconvert``: [``botocore``] This release includes support for \ 
broadcast-mixed audio description tracks.
* api-change:``neptune-graph``: [``botocore``] Adding new APIs in SDK for Amazon \ 
Neptune Analytics. These APIs include operations to execute, cancel, list \ 
queries and get the graph summary.


* api-change:``cloudformation``: [``botocore``] CloudFormation IaC generator \ 
allows you to scan existing resources in your account and select resources to \ 
generate a template for a new or existing CloudFormation stack.
* api-change:``elbv2``: [``botocore``] Update elbv2 client to latest version
* api-change:``glue``: [``botocore``] Update page size limits for GetJobRuns and \ 
GetTriggers APIs.
* api-change:``ssm``: [``botocore``] This release adds an optional Duration \ 
parameter to StateManager Associations. This allows customers to specify how \ 
long an apply-only-on-cron association execution should run. Once the specified \ 
Duration is out all the ongoing cancellable commands or automations are \ 


* api-change:``datazone``: [``botocore``] Add new skipDeletionCheck to \ 
DeleteDomain. Add new skipDeletionCheck to DeleteProject which also \ 
automatically deletes dependent objects
* api-change:``route53``: [``botocore``] Update the SDKs for text changes in the \ 


* api-change:``autoscaling``: [``botocore``] EC2 Auto Scaling customers who use \ 
attribute based instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot \ 
instances price protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand \ 
instance type.
* api-change:``comprehend``: [``botocore``] Comprehend PII analysis now supports \ 
Spanish input documents.
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] EC2 Fleet customers who use attribute based \ 
instance-type selection can now intuitively define their Spot instances price \ 
protection limit as a percentage of the lowest priced On-Demand instance type.
* api-change:``mwaa``: [``botocore``] This release adds MAINTENANCE environment \ 
status for Amazon MWAA environments.
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Introduced support for the \ 
InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS \ 
RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot and RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime API methods. This \ 
provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience.
* api-change:``snowball``: [``botocore``] Modified description of createaddress \ 
to include direction to add path when providing a JSON file.


* api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Update list and string length limits \ 
for predefined attributes.
* api-change:``inspector2``: [``botocore``] This release adds ECR container \ 
image scanning based on their lastRecordedPullTime.
* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model \ 
Tuning now provides an API to programmatically delete tuning jobs.


* api-change:``acm-pca``: [``botocore``] AWS Private CA now supports an option \ 
to omit the CDP extension from issued certificates, when CRL revocation is \ 
* api-change:``lightsail``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for \ 
IPv6-only instance plans.


* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Introduced a new clientToken request \ 
parameter on CreateNetworkAcl and CreateRouteTable APIs. The clientToken \ 
parameter allows idempotent operations on the APIs.
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon ECS.
* api-change:``outposts``: [``botocore``] DeviceSerialNumber parameter is now \ 
optional in StartConnection API
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Aurora \ 
Limitless Database.
* api-change:``storagegateway``: [``botocore``] Add DeprecationDate and \ 
SoftwareVersion to response of ListGateways.


* api-change:``inspector2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for CIS \ 
scans on EC2 instances.


* enhancement:documentation: [``botocore``] Updates the GitHub issue creation \ 
link in our README


* api-change:``appconfigdata``: [``botocore``] Fix FIPS Endpoints in aws-us-gov.
* api-change:``cloud9``: [``botocore``] Doc-only update around removing AL1 from \ 
list of available AMIs for Cloud9
* api-change:``cloudfront-keyvaluestore``: [``botocore``] This release improves \ 
upon the DescribeKeyValueStore API by returning two additional fields, Status of \ 
the KeyValueStore and the FailureReason in case of failures during creation of \ 
* api-change:``connectcases``: [``botocore``] This release adds the ability to \ 
view audit history on a case and introduces a new parameter, performedBy, for \ 
CreateCase and UpdateCase API's.
* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2.
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for Transport \ 
Layer Security (TLS) and Configurable Timeout to ECS Service Connect. TLS \ 
facilitates privacy and data security for inter-service communications, while \ 
Configurable Timeout allows customized per-request timeout and idle timeout for \ 
Service Connect services.
* api-change:``finspace``: [``botocore``] Allow customer to set zip default \ 
through command line arguments.
* api-change:``organizations``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for quota \ 
increase change
* api-change:``rds``: [``botocore``] Introduced support for the \ 
InsufficientDBInstanceCapacityFault error in the RDS CreateDBCluster API method. \ 
This provides enhanced error handling, ensuring a more robust experience when \ 
creating database clusters with insufficient instance capacity.
* api-change:``endpoint-rules``: [``botocore``] Update endpoint-rules client to \ 
latest version


* api-change:``athena``: [``botocore``] Introducing new NotebookS3LocationUri \ 
parameter to Athena ImportNotebook API. Payload is no longer required and either \ 
Payload or NotebookS3LocationUri needs to be provided (not both) for a \ 
successful ImportNotebook API call. If both are provided, an \ 
InvalidRequestException will be thrown.
* api-change:``codebuild``: [``botocore``] Release CodeBuild Reserved Capacity \ 
* api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for \ 
including ApproximateCreationDateTimePrecision configurations in \ 
EnableKinesisStreamingDestination API, adds the same as an optional field in the \ 
response of DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination, and adds support for a new \ 
UpdateKinesisStreamingDestination API.
* api-change:``qconnect``: [``botocore``] Increased Quick Response name max \ 
length to 100


* api-change:``b2bi``: [``botocore``] Increasing TestMapping inputFileContent \ 
file size limit to 5MB and adding file size limit 250KB for TestParsing input \ 
file. This release also includes exposing InternalServerException for Tag APIs.
* api-change:``cloudtrail``: [``botocore``] This release adds a new API \ 
ListInsightsMetricData to retrieve metric data from CloudTrail Insights.
* api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] GetMetricDataV2 now supports 3 groupings
* api-change:``drs``: [``botocore``] Removed invalid and unnecessary default values.
* api-change:``firehose``: [``botocore``] Allow support for Snowflake as a \ 
Kinesis Data Firehose delivery destination.
* api-change:``sagemaker-featurestore-runtime``: [``botocore``] Increase \ 
BatchGetRecord limits from 10 items to 100 items


* api-change:``dynamodb``: [``botocore``] Updating note for enabling streams for \ 
* api-change:``keyspaces``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for \ 
Multi-Region Replication with provisioned tables, and Keyspaces auto scaling \ 


* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Revert release of LogTargetTypes
* api-change:``iotfleetwise``: [``botocore``] Updated APIs: SignalNodeType query \ 
parameter has been added to ListSignalCatalogNodesRequest and \ 
ListVehiclesResponse has been extended with attributes field.
* api-change:``macie2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for analyzing \ 
Amazon S3 objects that are encrypted using dual-layer server-side encryption \ 
with AWS KMS keys (DSSE-KMS). It also adds support for reporting DSSE-KMS \ 
details in statistics and metadata about encryption settings for S3 buckets and \ 
* api-change:``payment-cryptography``: [``botocore``] Provide an additional \ 
option for key exchange using RSA wrap/unwrap in addition to tr-34/tr-31 in \ 
ImportKey and ExportKey operations. Added new key usage (type) \ 
TR31_M1_ISO_9797_1_MAC_KEY, for use with Generate/VerifyMac dataplane operations \ 
 with ISO9797 Algorithm 1 MAC calculations.
* api-change:``personalize-runtime``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for \ 
Amazon Personalize
* api-change:``personalize``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for Amazon \ 
* api-change:``rekognition``: [``botocore``] This release adds ContentType and \ 
TaxonomyLevel attributes to DetectModerationLabels and GetMediaAnalysisJob API \ 
* api-change:``securityhub``: [``botocore``] Documentation updates for AWS \ 
Security Hub


* api-change:``sagemaker``: [``botocore``] This release will have \ 
ValidationException thrown if certain invalid app types are provided. The \ 
release will also throw ValidationException if more than 10 account ids are \ 
provided in VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts.


* api-change:``connect``: [``botocore``] Supervisor Barge for Chat is now \ 
supported through the MonitorContact API.
* api-change:``connectparticipant``: [``botocore``] Introduce new Supervisor \ 
participant role
* api-change:``location``: [``botocore``] Location SDK documentation update. \ 
Added missing fonts to the MapConfiguration data type. Updated note for the \ 
SubMunicipality property in the place data type.
* api-change:``mwaa``: [``botocore``] This Amazon MWAA feature release includes \ 
new fields in CreateWebLoginToken response model. The new fields IamIdentity and \ 
AirflowIdentity will let you match identifications, as the Airflow identity \ 
length is currently hashed to 64 characters.
* api-change:``s3control``: [``botocore``] S3 On Outposts team adds dualstack \ 
endpoints support for S3Control and S3Outposts API calls.
* api-change:``supplychain``: [``botocore``] This release includes APIs \ 
CreateBillOfMaterialsImportJob and GetBillOfMaterialsImportJob.
* api-change:``transfer``: [``botocore``] AWS Transfer Family now supports \ 
static IP addresses for SFTP & AS2 connectors and for async MDNs on AS2 \ 
* api-change:``endpoint-rules``: [``botocore``] Update endpoint-rules client to \ 
latest version


* api-change:``ec2``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for adding an \ 
ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS \ 
RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for \ 
attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks.
* api-change:``ecs``: [``botocore``] This release adds support for adding an \ 
ElasticBlockStorage volume configurations in ECS \ 
RunTask/StartTask/CreateService/UpdateService APIs. The configuration allows for \ 
attaching EBS volumes to ECS Tasks.
* api-change:``events``: [``botocore``] Update events client to latest version
* api-change:``iot``: [``botocore``] Add ConflictException to Update APIs of AWS \ 
IoT Software Package Catalog
* api-change:``iotfleetwise``: [``botocore``] The following dataTypes have been \ 
removed: CUSTOMER_DECODED_INTERFACE in NetworkInterfaceType; \ 
CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL_INFO_IS_NULL in SignalDecoderFailureReason; \ 
NetworkInterfaceFailureReason; CUSTOMER_DECODED_SIGNAL in SignalDecoderType
* api-change:``secretsmanager``: [``botocore``] Doc only update for Secrets Manager
* api-change:``workspaces``: [``botocore``] Added AWS Workspaces \ 
RebootWorkspaces API - Extended Reboot documentation update
