Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/garden
From: pin
Date: 2024-03-21 12:29:36
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/garden: update to 1.4.0

Released 2024-03-21
 - Custom commands can now specify an interpreter to use on a per-command basis.
If a command uses a shebang #! line then the command's text will be passed as the
next argument to the specified command. For example, using #!python3 -c as the
first line in a custom command will cause python3 -c <command> to be executed.

 - Trees can now use branches defined in separate remotes when configuring the
default branch to checkout. garden grow will now fetch the remote associated with the
configured branch switching branches in order to make this possible.

 - Trees can now use any upstream branch from any configured remote in the \ 
branches section.
Previously, branches associated with non-default remotes could not be created unless
they were fetched beforehand. garden grow will now fetch the associated remote
before creating the local branch.

 - garden grow now detects empty directories (e.g. the directories that are created
when using uninitialized Git submodules) and will properly clone into the empty \ 
instead of treating them like an already-grown tree.

 - garden can now be built on Windows. Symlink trees and the XDG base directory \ 
is UNIX-only and disabled on Windows.

 - yaml-rust2 is now used instead of
the yaml-rust-davvid fork that was
being maintained by @davvid for use by garden.
