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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/slumber
From: pin
Date: 2024-04-26 11:43:29
Message id:
Log Message:
net/slumber: update to 1.0.0
[1.0.0] - 2024-04-25
Rename collection file parameter on all CLI commands from --collection/-c to \
The goal here is to be more intuitive/predictable, since -f is much more \
common in similar programs (e.g. docker-compose)
Support booleans and numbers for query values (#141)
Add default field to !prompt chains, which allows setting a pre-populated \
value for the prompt textbox
Folders can now be collapsed in the recipe list (#155)
Improvements to Insomnia import (#12)
Rename import-experimental command to import
It's official now! It's still going to get continuted improvement though
Show WARN/ERROR log output for CLI commands
Validate recipe method field during deserialization instead of on request init
This means you'll get an error on startup if your method is invalid, \
instead of when you go to run the request
This is not a breaking change because if you had an incorrect HTTP \
method, the request still didn't work before, it just broke later
Arguments to chains are now treated as templates (#151)
Support fields are path for !file chains, command for !command chains, \
and message for !prompt chains
This means you can now really chain chains together!