Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/py-fonttools
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2024-06-08 13:59:06
Message id:

Log Message:
py-fonttools: update to 4.53.0.

4.53.0 (released 2024-05-31)

- [ttLib.removeOverlaps] Support CFF table to aid in downconverting CFF2 fonts \ 
- [avar] Fix crash when accessing not-yet-existing attribute (#3550)
- [docs] Add buildMathTable to otlLib.builder documentation (#3540)
- [feaLib] Allow UTF-8 with BOM when reading features (#3495)
- [SVGPathPen] Revert rounding coordinates to two decimal places by default (#3543)
- [varLib.instancer] Refix output filename decision-making  (#3545, #3544, #3548)

4.52.4 (released 2024-05-27)

- [varLib.cff] Restore and deprecate convertCFFtoCFF2 that was removed in 4.52.0
  release as it is used by downstream projects (#3535).

4.52.3 (released 2024-05-27)

- Fixed a small syntax error in the reStructuredText-formatted NEWS.rst file
  which caused the upload to PyPI to fail for 4.52.2. No other code changes.

4.52.2 (released 2024-05-27)

- [varLib.interpolatable] Ensure that scipy/numpy output is JSON-serializable
  (#3522, #3526).
- [housekeeping] Regenerate table lists, to fix pyinstaller packaging of the new
  ``VARC`` table (#3531, #3529).
- [cffLib] Make CFFToCFF2 and CFF2ToCFF more robust (#3521, #3525).

4.52.1 (released 2024-05-24)

- Fixed a small syntax error in the reStructuredText-formatted NEWS.rst file
  which caused the upload to PyPI to fail for 4.52.0. No other code changes.

4.52.0 (released 2024-05-24)

- Added support for the new ``VARC`` (Variable Composite) table that is being
  proposed to OpenType spec (#3395). For more info:
- [ttLib.__main__] Fixed decompiling all tables (90fed08).
- [feaLib] Don't reference the same lookup index multiple times within the same
  feature record, it is only applied once anyway (#3520).
- [cffLib] Moved methods to desubroutinize, remove hints and unused subroutines
  from subset module to cffLib (#3517).
- [varLib.instancer] Added support for partial-instancing CFF2 tables! Also, added
  method to down-convert from CFF2 to CFF 1.0, and CLI entry points to convert
  CFF<->CFF2 (#3506).
- [subset] Prune unused user name IDs even with --name-IDs='*' (#3410).
- [ttx] use GNU-style getopt to intermix options and positional arguments (#3509).
- [feaLib.variableScalar] Fixed ``value_at_location()`` method (#3491)
- [psCharStrings] Shorten output of ``encodeFloat`` (#3492).
- [bezierTools] Fix infinite-recursion in ``calcCubicArcLength`` (#3502).
- [avar2] Implement ``avar2`` support in ``TTFont.getGlyphSet()`` (#3473).
