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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-pylint
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2024-07-22 06:27:20
Message id:
Log Message:
py-pylint: updated to 3.2.6
What's new in Pylint 3.2.6?
False Positives Fixed
- Quiet false positives for `unexpected-keyword-arg` when pylint cannot
determine which of two or more dynamically defined classes is being instantiated.
- Fix a false positive for ``missing-param-doc`` where a method which is \
decorated with ``typing.overload`` was expected to have a docstring specifying \
its parameters.
- Fix a regression that raised ``invalid-name`` on class attributes merely
overriding invalid names from an ancestor.
- Treat `assert_never()` the same way when imported from `typing_extensions`.
- Fix a false positive for `consider-using-min-max-builtin` when the assignment \
target is an attribute.
Other Bug Fixes
- Fix an `AssertionError` arising from properties that return partial functions.
- Fix a crash when a subclass extends ``__slots__``.