Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/shells/starship
From: pin
Date: 2024-07-29 09:29:59
Message id:

Log Message:
shells/starship: update to 1.20.1

NetBSD/pkgsrc notable changes: Support for acpi batteries on NetBSD has been \ 
added by naguam.

1.20.0 (2024-07-26)
    color: add prev_fg and prev_bg as color specifiers based on the previous \ 
foreground/background colors respectively (#6017) (9a3e87f)
    color: add prevfg,prevbg as color specifiers based on the previous \ 
foreground/background colors respectively (9a3e87f)
    gcloud: Disabled gcloud module when active config hasn't been set (#6039) \ 
    purescript: add support for spago-next configuration files (#6036) (e028186)

Bug Fixes
    direnv: replace nonexistent "orange" color with \ 
"bright-yellow" (#5969) (478d5cc)
    dotnet: Remove duplicate v in dotnet version (#6060) (52a89a5)
    improve non-msvc windows support by bumping stable dependencies (#5989) (50a6b84)
    k8s: don't trigger if scan config is set but env vars are not (#5979) (8c75822)
    preset: fix typo in Open Policy Agent module format string (#6118) (eba9748)

Performance Improvements
    k8s: Improve performance of kubeconfig module (#6032) (fae92b2)

1.19.0 (2024-05-15)
    container: show name if available (#5195) (3e3f18e)
    gleam: Add Gleam module (#5886) (34a8f7e)
    k8s: Add detect env vars option (#4488) (e3b5dff)
    nats: Add NATS Context (#5900) (5facd85)
    odin: Add Odin Lang module (#5873) (335c514)
    username: add aliases option (#5855) (9c1eadd)

Bug Fixes
    bash: fix handling of the preserved DEBUG trap (used in Bash <= 4.3) \ 
(#5908) (fe1a8df)
    bash: use eval instead of a procsub for the POSIX mode (#5020) (0f859e8)
    bash: use eval instead of a procsub for the POSIX mode (0f859e8)
    bun: change default icon (#5880) (be4e97c)
    scala: use scala-cli first to avoid timeout (2221a88)
    xonsh: remove | cat workaround from xonsh init (#5113) (de5b7f0)

Performance Improvements
    scala: use scala-cli first to avoid timeout (#5952) (2221a88)
