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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-yarl
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2024-09-10 12:37:54
Message id:
Log Message:
py-yarl: updated to 1.11.1
Bug fixes
- Allowed scheme replacement for relative URLs if the scheme does not require a host
- Allowed empty host for URL schemes other than the special schemes listed in \
the WHATWG URL spec
- Loosened restriction on integers as query string values to allow classes that \
implement ``__int__``
Miscellaneous internal changes
- Improved performance of normalizing paths
- Added :meth:`URL.extend_query() <yarl.URL.extend_query>` method, which \
can be used to extend parameters without replacing same named keys
This method was primarily added to replace the inefficient hand rolled method \
currently used in ``aiohttp``.
Miscellaneous internal changes
- Improved performance of the Cython ``cached_property`` implementation
- Simplified computing ports by removing unnecessary code
- Improved performance of encoding non IPv6 hosts
- Improved performance of :meth:` <>` when the \
path, query string, or fragment is an empty string
- Improved performance of the :meth:`URL.update_query() \
<yarl.URL.update_query>` method
- Improved performance of processing query string changes when arguments are \