Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-lintr
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-09-23 01:49:25
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-lintr) Updated 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

# lintr 3.1.2

## New and improved features

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false positives

* `Unreachable_code_linter()` ignores reachable code in inline
  functions like `function(x) if (x > 2) stop() else x` (#2259,

* `unnecessary_lambda_linter()`
  + ignores extractions with explicit returns like `lapply(l, function(x) \ 
foo(x)$bar)` (#2258, @MichaelChirico).
  + ignores calls on the RHS of operators like `lapply(l, function(x) \ 
"a" %in% names(x))` (#2310, @MichaelChirico).

* `vector_logic_linter()` recognizes some cases where bitwise `&`/`|`
  are used correctly (#1453, @MichaelChirico).

* `expect_comparison_linter()` ignores faulty usage like
  `expect_true(x, y > z)` (#2083, @MichaelChirico). Note that `y > z`
  is being passed to the `info=` argument, so this is likely a

* `consecutive_assertion_linter()` ignores cases where a second
  assertion follows an intervening assignment with `=` (#2444,

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false negatives

* `missing_argument_linter()` catches all missing arguments in calls
  with several, e.g. `foo(,,)` gives 3 lints instead of 2 (#2399,

* `duplicate_argument_linter()` no longer misses cases with duplicate
  arguments where a comment comes between the argument name and `=`
  (#2402, @MichaelChirico).

## Notes

* Fixed a test assuming a specific parser error message that recently
  changed in r-devel (#2527, @IndrajeetPatil).

* @MichaelChirico has taken over CRAN maintainer duties for the
  package. Many thanks to @jimhester for more than 10 years and 15
  releases wearing that hat!!
