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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/mimir
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2024-10-14 14:51:48
Message id:
Log Message:
mimir: update to 2.14.0.
Fixes built with go 1.23.
## 2.14.0
### Grafana Mimir
* [CHANGE] Update minimal supported version of Go to 1.22. #9134
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway / querier: enable streaming chunks from store-gateways \
to queriers by default. #6646
* [CHANGE] Querier: honor the start/end time range specified in the read hints \
when executing a remote read request. #8431
* [CHANGE] Querier: return only samples within the queried start/end time range \
when executing a remote read request using "SAMPLES" mode. Previously, \
samples outside of the range could have been returned. Samples outside of the \
queried time range may still be returned when executing a remote read request \
using "STREAMED_XOR_CHUNKS" mode. #8463
* [CHANGE] Querier: Set minimum for `-querier.max-concurrent` to four to prevent \
queue starvation with querier-worker queue prioritization algorithm; values \
below the minimum four are ignored and set to the minimum. #9054
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway: enabled \
`-blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent-queue-timeout` by default with a \
timeout of 5 seconds. #8496
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway: enabled \
`-blocks-storage.bucket-store.index-header.lazy-loading-concurrency-queue-timeout` \
by default with a timeout of 5 seconds . #8667
* [CHANGE] Distributor: Incoming OTLP requests were previously size-limited by \
using limit from `-distributor.max-recv-msg-size` option. We have added option \
`-distributor.max-otlp-request-size` for limiting OTLP requests, with default \
value of 100 MiB. #8574
* [CHANGE] Distributor: remove metric `cortex_distributor_sample_delay_seconds`. \
* [CHANGE] Query-frontend: Remove deprecated `frontend.align_queries_with_step` \
YAML configuration. The configuration option has been moved to per-tenant and \
default `limits` since Mimir 2.12. #8733 #8735
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Change default of \
`-blocks-storage.bucket-store.max-concurrent` to 200. #8768
* [CHANGE] Added new metric `cortex_compactor_disk_out_of_space_errors_total` \
which counts how many times a compaction failed due to the compactor being out \
of disk, alert if there is a single increase. #8237 #8278
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Remove experimental parameter \
`-blocks-storage.bucket-store.series-selection-strategy`. The default strategy \
is now `worst-case`. #8702
* [CHANGE] Store-gateway: Rename \
`-blocks-storage.bucket-store.series-selection-strategies.worst-case-series-preference` \
to `-blocks-storage.bucket-store.series-fetch-preference` and promote to stable. \
* [CHANGE] Querier, store-gateway: remove deprecated \
`-querier.prefer-streaming-chunks-from-store-gateways=true`. Streaming from \
store-gateways is now always enabled. #8696
* [CHANGE] Ingester: remove deprecated `-ingester.return-only-grpc-errors`. \
#8699 #8828
* [CHANGE] Distributor, ruler: remove deprecated \
``. #8700
* [CHANGE] Ingester client: experimental support for client-side circuit \
breakers, their configuration options (`-ingester.client.circuit-breaker.*`) and \
metrics (`cortex_ingester_client_circuit_breaker_results_total`, \
`cortex_ingester_client_circuit_breaker_transitions_total`) were removed. #8802
* [CHANGE] Ingester: circuit breakers do not open in case of per-instance limit \
errors anymore. Opening can be triggered only in case of push and pull requests \
exceeding the configured duration. #8854
* [CHANGE] Query-frontend: Return `413 Request Entity Too Large` if a response \
shard for an `/active_series` request is too large. #8861
* [CHANGE] Distributor: Promote replying with `Retry-After` header on retryable \
errors to stable and set `-distributor.retry-after-header.enabled=true` by \
default. #8694
* [CHANGE] Distributor: Replace \
`-distributor.retry-after-header.max-backoff-exponent` and \
`-distributor.retry-after-header.base-seconds` with \
`-distributor.retry-after-header.min-backoff` and \
`-distributor.retry-after-header.max-backoff` for easier configuration. #8694
* [CHANGE] Ingester: increase the default inactivity timeout of active series \
(``) from `10m` to `20m`. #8975
* [CHANGE] Distributor: Remove `-distributor.enable-otlp-metadata-storage` flag, \
which was deprecated in version 2.12. #9069
* [CHANGE] Ruler: Removed `-ruler.drain-notification-queue-on-shutdown` option, \
which is now enabled by default. #9115
* [CHANGE] Querier: allow wrapping errors with context errors only when the \
former actually correspond to `context.Canceled` and `context.DeadlineExceeded`. \
* [CHANGE] Query-scheduler: Remove the experimental \
`-query-scheduler.use-multi-algorithm-query-queue` flag. The new multi-algorithm \
tree queue is always used for the scheduler. #9210
* [CHANGE] Distributor: reject incoming requests until the distributor service \
has started. #9317
* [CHANGE] Ingester, Distributor: Remove deprecated \
`-ingester.limit-inflight-requests-using-grpc-method-limiter` and \
`-distributor.limit-inflight-requests-using-grpc-method-limiter`. The feature \
was deprecated and enabled by default in Mimir 2.12. #9407
* [CHANGE] Querier: Remove deprecated `-querier.max-query-into-future`. The \
feature was deprecated in Mimir 2.12. #9407
* [CHANGE] Cache: Deprecate experimental support for Redis as a cache backend. \
The support is set to be removed in the next major release. #9453
* [FEATURE] Alertmanager: Added `-alertmanager.log-parsing-label-matchers` to \
control logging when parsing label matchers. This flag is intended to be used \
with `-alertmanager.utf8-strict-mode-enabled` to validate UTF-8 strict mode is \
working as intended. The default value is `false`. #9173
* [FEATURE] Alertmanager: Added `-alertmanager.utf8-migration-logging-enabled` \
to enable logging of tenant configurations that are incompatible with UTF-8 \
strict mode. The default value is `false`. #9174
* [FEATURE] Querier: add experimental streaming PromQL engine, enabled with \
`-querier.query-engine=mimir`. #8422 #8430 #8454 #8455 #8360 #8490 #8508 #8577 \
#8660 #8671 #8677 #8747 #8850 #8872 #8838 #8911 #8909 #8923 #8924 #8925 #8932 \
#8933 #8934 #8962 #8986 #8993 #8995 #9008 #9017 #9018 #9019 #9120 #9121 #9136 \
#9139 #9140 #9145 #9191 #9192 #9194 #9196 #9201 #9212 #9225 #9260 #9272 #9277 \
#9278 #9280 #9281 #9342 #9343 #9371
* [FEATURE] Experimental Kafka-based ingest storage. #6888 #6894 #6929 #6940 \
#6951 #6974 #6982 #7029 #7030 #7091 #7142 #7147 #7148 #7153 #7160 #7193 #7349 \
#7376 #7388 #7391 #7393 #7394 #7402 #7404 #7423 #7424 #7437 #7486 #7503 #7508 \
#7540 #7621 #7682 #7685 #7694 #7695 #7696 #7697 #7701 #7733 #7734 #7741 #7752 \
#7838 #7851 #7871 #7877 #7880 #7882 #7887 #7891 #7925 #7955 #7967 #8031 #8063 \
#8077 #8088 #8135 #8176 #8184 #8194 #8216 #8217 #8222 #8233 #8503 #8542 #8579 \
#8657 #8686 #8688 #8703 #8706 #8708 #8738 #8750 #8778 #8808 #8809 #8841 #8842 \
#8845 #8853 #8886 #8988
* What it is:
* When the new ingest storage architecture is enabled, distributors write \
incoming write requests to a Kafka-compatible backend, and the ingesters \
asynchronously replay ingested data from Kafka. In this architecture, the write \
and read path are de-coupled through a Kafka-compatible backend. The write path \
and Kafka load is a function of the incoming write traffic, the read path load \
is a function of received queries. Whatever the load on the read path, it \
doesn't affect the write path.
* New configuration options:
* `-ingest-storage.enabled`
* `-ingest-storage.kafka.*`: configures Kafka-compatible backend and how \
clients interact with it.
* `-ingest-storage.ingestion-partition-tenant-shard-size`: configures the \
per-tenant shuffle-sharding shard size used by partitions ring.
* ``: configures the default read consistency.
* `-ingest-storage.migration.distributor-send-to-ingesters-enabled`: enabled \
tee-ing writes to classic ingesters and Kafka, used during a live migration to \
the new ingest storage architecture.
* `-ingester.partition-ring.*`: configures partitions ring backend.
* [FEATURE] Querier: added support for `limitk()` and `limit_ratio()` \
experimental PromQL functions. Experimental functions are disabled by default, \
but can be enabled setting `-querier.promql-experimental-functions-enabled=true` \
in the query-frontend and querier. #8632
* [FEATURE] Querier: experimental support for `X-Mimir-Chunk-Info-Logger` header \
that triggers logging information about TSDB chunks loaded from ingesters and \
store-gateways in the querier. The header should contain the comma separated \
list of labels for which their value will be included in the logs. #8599
* [FEATURE] Query frontend: added new query pruning middleware to enable pruning \
dead code (eg. expressions that cannot produce any results) and simplifying \
expressions (eg. expressions that can be evaluated immediately) in queries. \
* [FEATURE] Ruler: added experimental configuration, \
`-ruler.rule-evaluation-write-enabled`, to disable writing the result of rule \
evaluation to ingesters. This feature can be used for testing purposes. #9060
* [FEATURE] Ingester: added experimental configuration \
`ingester.ignore-ooo-exemplars`. When set to `true` out of order exemplars are \
no longer reported to the remote write client. #9151
* [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: Add \
`cortex_compactor_compaction_job_duration_seconds` and \
`cortex_compactor_compaction_job_blocks` histogram metrics to track duration of \
individual compaction jobs and number of blocks per job. #8371
* [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Added per namespace max rules per rule group limit. The \
maximum number of rules per rule groups for all namespaces continues to be \
configured by `-ruler.max-rules-per-rule-group`, but now, this can be superseded \
by the new `-ruler.max-rules-per-rule-group-by-namespace` option on a per \
namespace basis. This new limit can be overridden using the overrides mechanism \
to be applied per-tenant. #8378
* [ENHANCEMENT] Rules: Added per namespace max rule groups per tenant limit. The \
maximum number of rule groups per rule tenant for all namespaces continues to be \
configured by `-ruler.max-rule-groups-per-tenant`, but now, this can be \
superseded by the new `-ruler.max-rule-groups-per-tenant-by-namespace` option on \
a per namespace basis. This new limit can be overridden using the overrides \
mechanism to be applied per-tenant. #8425
* [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Added support to protect rules namespaces from \
modification. The `-ruler.protected-namespaces` flag can be used to specify \
namespaces that are protected from rule modifications. The header \
`X-Mimir-Ruler-Override-Namespace-Protection` can be used to override the \
protection. #8444
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: be able to block remote read queries via the per \
tenant runtime override `blocked_queries`. #8372 #8415
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: added `remote_read` to `op` supported label \
values for the `cortex_query_frontend_queries_total` metric. #8412
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: log the overall length and start, end time \
offset from current time for remote read requests. The start and end times are \
calculated as the miminum and maximum times of the individual queries in the \
remote read request. #8404
* [ENHANCEMENT] Storage Provider: Added option \
`-<prefix>.s3.dualstack-enabled` that allows disabling S3 client from \
resolving AWS S3 endpoint into dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 endpoint. Defaults to true. \
* [ENHANCEMENT] HA Tracker: Added reporting of most recent elected replica \
change via `cortex_ha_tracker_last_election_timestamp_seconds` gauge, logging, \
and a new column in the HA Tracker status page. #8507
* [ENHANCEMENT] Use sd_notify to send events to systemd at start and stop of \
mimir services. Default systemd mimir.service config now wait for those events \
with a configurable timeout `TimeoutStartSec` default is 3 min to handle long \
start time (ex. store-gateway). #8220 #8555 #8658
* [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager: Reloading config and templates no longer needs to \
hit the disk. #4967
* [ENHANCEMENT] Compactor: Added experimental \
`` option to set size of in-memory \
cache (in number of items) for parsed meta.json files. This can help when a \
tenant has many meta.json files and their parsing before each compaction cycle \
is using a lot of CPU time. #8544
* [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: Interrupt OTLP write request translation when \
context is canceled or has timed out. #8524
* [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester, store-gateway: optimised regular expression matching \
for patterns like `1.*|2.*|3.*|...|1000.*`. #8632
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-frontend: Add `header_cache_control` to query stats. #8590
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: Introduce \
`query-scheduler.use-multi-algorithm-query-queue`, which allows use of an \
experimental queue structure, with no change in external queue behavior. #7873
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: Improve CPU/memory performance of experimental \
query-scheduler. #8871
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose a new `s3.trace.enabled` configuration option to enable \
detailed logging of operations against S3-compatible object stores. #8690
* [ENHANCEMENT] memberlist: locally-generated messages (e.g. ring updates) are \
sent to gossip network before forwarded messages. Introduced \
`-memberlist.broadcast-timeout-for-local-updates-on-shutdown` option to modify \
how long to wait until queue with locally-generated messages is empty when \
shutting down. Previously this was hard-coded to 10s, and wait included all \
messages (locally-generated and forwarded). Now it defaults to 10s, 0 means no \
timeout. Increasing this value may help to avoid problem when ring updates on \
shutdown are not propagated to other nodes, and ring entry is left in a wrong \
state. #8761
* [ENHANCEMENT] Querier: allow using both raw numbers of seconds and duration \
literals in queries where previously only one or the other was permitted. For \
example, `predict_linear` now accepts a duration literal (eg. \
`predict_linear(..., 4h)`), and range vector selectors now accept a number of \
seconds (eg. `rate(metric[2])`). #8780
* [ENHANCEMENT] Ruler: Add `ruler.max-independent-rule-evaluation-concurrency` \
to allow independent rules of a tenant to be run concurrently. You can control \
the amount of concurrency per tenant is controlled via the \
`-ruler.max-independent-rule-evaluation-concurrency-per-tenan` as a limit. Use a \
`-ruler.max-independent-rule-evaluation-concurrency` value of `0` can be used to \
disable the feature for all tenants. By default, this feature is disabled. A \
rule is eligible for concurrency as long as it doesn't depend on any other \
rules, doesn't have any other rules that depend on it, and has a total rule \
group runtime that exceeds 50% of its interval by default. The threshold can can \
be adjusted with \
`-ruler.independent-rule-evaluation-concurrency-min-duration-percentage`. #8146 \
#8858 #8880 #88
* This work introduces the following metrics:
* `cortex_ruler_independent_rule_evaluation_concurrency_slots_in_use`
* `cortex_ruler_independent_rule_evaluation_concurrency_attempts_started_total`
* \
* `cortex_ruler_independent_rule_evaluation_concurrency_attempts_completed_total`
* [ENHANCEMENT] Expose a new `s3.session-token` configuration option to enable \
using temporary security credentials. #8952
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add HA deduplication features to the `mimir-microservices-mode` \
development environment. #9012
* [ENHANCEMENT] Remove experimental \
`-query-frontend.additional-query-queue-dimensions-enabled` and \
`-query-scheduler.additional-query-queue-dimensions-enabled`. Mimir now always \
includes "query components" as a queue dimension. #8984 #9135
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a new ingester endpoint to prepare instances to downscale. #8956
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: Add \
`query-scheduler.prioritize-query-components` which, when enabled, will \
primarily prioritize dequeuing fairly across queue components, and secondarily \
prioritize dequeuing fairly across tenants. When disabled, tenant fairness is \
primarily prioritized. `query-scheduler.use-multi-algorithm-query-queue` must be \
enabled in order to use this flag. #9016 #9071
* [ENHANCEMENT] Update runtime configuration to read gzip-compressed files with \
`.gz` extension. #9074
* [ENHANCEMENT] Ingester: add `cortex_lifecycler_read_only` metric which is set \
to 1 when ingester's lifecycler is set to read-only mode. #9095
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a new field, `encode_time_seconds` to query stats log \
messages, to record the amount of time it takes the query-frontend to encode a \
response. This does not include any serialization time for downstream \
components. #9062
* [ENHANCEMENT] OTLP: If the flag \
`-distributor.otel-created-timestamp-zero-ingestion-enabled` is true, OTel start \
timestamps are converted to Prometheus zero samples to mark series start. #9131
* [ENHANCEMENT] Querier: attach logs emitted during query consistency check to \
trace span for query. #9213
* [ENHANCEMENT] Query-scheduler: Experimental \
`-query-scheduler.prioritize-query-components` flag enables the querier-worker \
queue priority algorithm to take precedence over tenant rotation when dequeuing \
requests. #9220
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add application credential arguments for Openstack Swift storage \
backend. #9181
* [BUGFIX] Ruler: add support for draining any outstanding alert notifications \
before shutting down. This can be enabled with the \
`-ruler.drain-notification-queue-on-shutdown=true` CLI flag. #8346
* [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: fix `-querier.max-query-lookback` enforcement when \
`-compactor.blocks-retention-period` is not set, and viceversa. #8388
* [BUGFIX] Ingester: fix sporadic `not found` error causing an internal server \
error if label names are queried with matchers during head compaction. #8391
* [BUGFIX] Ingester, store-gateway: fix case insensitive regular expressions not \
matching correctly some Unicode characters. #8391
* [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: "query stats" log now includes the actual \
`status_code` when the request fails due to an error occurring in the \
query-frontend itself. #8407
* [BUGFIX] Store-gateway: fixed a case where, on a quick subsequent restart, the \
previous lazy-loaded index header snapshot was overwritten by a partially loaded \
one. #8281
* [BUGFIX] Ingester: fixed timestamp reported in the "the sample has been \
rejected because its timestamp is too old" error when the write request \
contains only histograms. #8462
* [BUGFIX] Store-gateway: store sparse index headers atomically to disk. #8485
* [BUGFIX] Query scheduler: fix a panic in request queueing. #8451
* [BUGFIX] Querier: fix issue where "context canceled" is logged for \
trace spans for requests to store-gateways that return no series when chunks \
streaming is enabled. #8510
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: Fix per-tenant silence limits not reloaded during \
runtime. #8456
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: Fixes a number of bugs in silences which could cause an \
existing silence to be deleted/expired when updating the silence failed. This \
could happen when the replacing silence was invalid or exceeded limits. #8525
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: Fix help message for utf-8-strict-mode. #8572
* [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: Ensure that internal errors result in an HTTP 500 \
response code instead of 422. #8595 #8666
* [BUGFIX] Configuration: Multi line envs variables are flatten during injection \
to be compatible with YAML syntax
* [BUGFIX] Querier: fix issue where queries can return incorrect results if a \
single store-gateway returns overlapping chunks for a series. #8827
* [BUGFIX] HA Tracker: store correct timestamp for last received request from \
elected replica. #8821
* [BUGFIX] Querier: do not return `grpc: the client connection is closing` \
errors as HTTP `499`. #8865 #8888
* [BUGFIX] Compactor: fix a race condition between different compactor replicas \
that may cause a deleted block to be still referenced as non-deleted in the \
bucket index. #8905
* [BUGFIX] Querier: fix issue where some native histogram-related warnings were \
not emitted when `rate()` was used over native histograms. #8918
* [BUGFIX] Ruler: map invalid org-id errors to 400 status code. #8935
* [BUGFIX] Querier: Fix invalid query results when multiple chunks are being \
merged. #8992
* [BUGFIX] Query-frontend: return annotations generated during evaluation of \
sharded queries. #9138
* [BUGFIX] Querier: Support optional start and end times on \
`/prometheus/api/v1/labels`, `/prometheus/api/v1/label/<label>/values`, \
and `/prometheus/api/v1/series` when `max_query_into_future: 0`. #9129
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: Fix config validation gap around unreferenced \
templates. #9207
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: Fix goroutine leak when stored config fails to apply \
and there is no existing tenant alertmanager #9211
* [BUGFIX] Querier: fix issue where both recently compacted blocks and their \
source blocks can be skipped during querying if store-gateways are restarting. \
* [BUGFIX] Alertmanager: fix receiver firewall to detect `` and IPv6 \
interface-local multicast address as local addresses. #9308
### Mixin
* [CHANGE] Dashboards: set default auto-refresh rate to 5m. #8758
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: allow switching between using classic or native \
histograms in dashboards.
* Overview dashboard: status, read/write latency and queries/ingestion per sec \
panels, `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #7674 #8502 #8791
* Writes dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8757 #8791
* Reads dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8752
* Rollout progress dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8779
* Alertmanager dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8792
* Ruler dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8795
* Queries dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8800
* Remote ruler reads dashboard: `cortex_request_duration_seconds` metric. #8801
* [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: `MimirRunningIngesterReceiveDelayTooHigh` alert has been \
tuned to be more reactive to high receive delay. #8538
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: improve end-to-end latency and strong read \
consistency panels when experimental ingest storage is enabled. #8543 #8830
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add panels for monitoring ingester autoscaling when \
not using ingest-storage. These panels are disabled by default, but can be \
enabled using the `autoscaling.ingester.enabled: true` config option. #8484
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: Add panels for monitoring store-gateway autoscaling. \
These panels are disabled by default, but can be enabled using the \
`autoscaling.store_gateway.enabled: true` config option. #8824
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add panels to show writes to experimental ingest \
storage backend in the "Mimir / Ruler" dashboard, when \
`_config.show_ingest_storage_panels` is enabled. #8732
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: show all series in tooltips on time series dashboard \
panels. #8748
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add compactor autoscaling panels to "Mimir / \
Compactor" dashboard. The panels are disabled by default, but can be \
enabled setting `_config.autoscaling.compactor.enabled` to `true`. #8777
* [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: added `MimirKafkaClientBufferedProduceBytesTooHigh` \
alert. #8763
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: added "Kafka produced records / sec" panel \
to "Mimir / Writes" dashboard. #8763
* [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: added \
`MimirStrongConsistencyOffsetNotPropagatedToIngesters` alert, and rename \
`MimirIngesterFailsEnforceStrongConsistencyOnReadPath` alert to \
`MimirStrongConsistencyEnforcementFailed`. #8831
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: remove "All" option for namespace dropdown \
in dashboards. #8829
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add Kafka end-to-end latency outliers panel in the \
"Mimir / Writes" dashboard. #8948
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add "Out-of-order samples appended" panel \
to "Mimir / Tenants" dashboard. #8939
* [ENHANCEMENT] Alerts: `RequestErrors` and `RulerRemoteEvaluationFailing` have \
been enriched with a native histogram version. #9004
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add 'Read path' selector to 'Mimir / Queries' \
dashboard. #8878
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: add annotation indicating active series are being \
reloaded to 'Mimir / Tenants' dashboard. #9257
* [ENHANCEMENT] Dashboards: limit results on the 'Failed evaluations rate' panel \
of the 'Mimir / Tenants' dashboard to 50 to avoid crashing the page when there \
are many failing groups. #9262
* [FEATURE] Alerts: add `MimirGossipMembersEndpointsOutOfSync` alert. #9347
* [BUGFIX] Dashboards: fix "current replicas" in autoscaling panels \
when HPA is not active. #8566
* [BUGFIX] Alerts: do not fire `MimirRingMembersMismatch` during the migration \
to experimental ingest storage. #8727
* [BUGFIX] Dashboards: avoid over-counting of ingesters metrics when migrating \
to experimental ingest storage. #9170
* [BUGFIX] Dashboards: fix `job_prefix` not utilized in `jobSelector`. #9155
### Jsonnet
* [CHANGE] Changed the following config options when the experimental ingest \
storage is enabled: #8874
* `ingest_storage_ingester_autoscaling_min_replicas` changed to \
* `ingest_storage_ingester_autoscaling_max_replicas` changed to \
* [CHANGE] Changed the overrides configmap generation to remove any field with \
`null` value. #9116
* [CHANGE] `$.replicaTemplate` function now takes replicas and labelSelector \
parameter. #9248
* [CHANGE] Renamed \
`ingest_storage_ingester_autoscaling_replica_template_custom_resource_definition_enabled` \
to `replica_template_custom_resource_definition_enabled`. #9248
* [FEATURE] Add support for automatically deleting compactor, store-gateway, \
ingester and read-write mode backend PVCs when the corresponding StatefulSet is \
scaled down. #8382 #8736
* [FEATURE] Automatically set GOMAXPROCS on ingesters. #9273
* [ENHANCEMENT] Added the following config options to set the number of \
partition ingester replicas when migrating to experimental ingest storage. #8517
* `ingest_storage_migration_partition_ingester_zone_a_replicas`
* `ingest_storage_migration_partition_ingester_zone_b_replicas`
* `ingest_storage_migration_partition_ingester_zone_c_replicas`
* [ENHANCEMENT] Distributor: increase `-distributor.remote-timeout` when the \
experimental ingest storage is enabled. #8518
* [ENHANCEMENT] Memcached: Update to Memcached 1.6.28 and memcached-exporter \
0.14.4. #8557
* [ENHANCEMENT] Rollout-operator: Allow the rollout-operator to be used as \
Kubernetes statefulset webhook to enable `no-downscale` and `prepare-downscale` \
annotations to be used on ingesters or store-gateways. #8743
* [ENHANCEMENT] Do not deploy ingester-zone-c when experimental ingest storage \
is enabled and `ingest_storage_ingester_zones` is configured to `2`. #8776
* [ENHANCEMENT] Added the config option \
`ingest_storage_migration_classic_ingesters_no_scale_down_delay` to disable the \
downscale delay on classic ingesters when migrating to experimental ingest \
storage. #8775 #8873
* [ENHANCEMENT] Configure experimental ingest storage on query-frontend too when \
enabled. #8843
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow to override Kafka client ID on a per-component basis. #9026
* [ENHANCEMENT] Rollout-operator's access to ReplicaTemplate is now configured \
via config option `rollout_operator_replica_template_access_enabled`. #9252
* [ENHANCEMENT] Added support for new way of downscaling ingesters, using \
rollout-operator's resource-mirroring feature and read-only mode of ingesters. \
This can be enabled by using `ingester_automated_downscale_v2_enabled` config \
option. This is mutually exclusive with both \
`ingester_automated_downscale_enabled` (previous downscale mode) and \
`ingest_storage_ingester_autoscaling_enabled` (autoscaling for ingest-storage).
* [ENHANCEMENT] Update rollout-operator to `v0.19.1`. #9388
* [BUGFIX] Added missing node affinity matchers to write component. #8910
### Mimirtool
* [CHANGE] Analyze Rules: Count recording rules used in rules group as used. #6133
* [CHANGE] Remove deprecated `--rule-files` flag in favor of CLI arguments for \
the following commands: #8701
* `mimirtool rules load`
* `mimirtool rules sync`
* `mimirtool rules diff`
* `mimirtool rules check`
* `mimirtool rules prepare`
* [ENHANCEMENT] Remote read and backfill now supports the experimental native \
histograms. #9156
### Mimir Continuous Test
* [CHANGE] Use test metrics that do not pass through 0 to make identifying \
incorrect results easier. #8630
* [CHANGE] Allowed authentication to Mimir using both Tenant ID and basic/bearer \
auth. #9038
* [FEATURE] Experimental support for the `-tests.send-chunks-debugging-header` \
boolean flag to send the `X-Mimir-Chunk-Info-Logger: series_id` header with \
queries. #8599
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include human-friendly timestamps in diffs logged when a test \
fails. #8630
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add histograms to measure latency of read and write requests. #8583
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log successful test runs in addition to failed test runs. #8817
* [ENHANCEMENT] Series emitted by continuous-test now distribute more uniformly \
across ingesters. #9218 #9243
* [ENHANCEMENT] Configure `User-Agent` header for the Mimir client via \
`-tests.client.user-agent`. #9338
* [BUGFIX] Initialize test result metrics to 0 at startup so that alerts can \
correctly identify the first failure after startup. #8630
### Query-tee
* [CHANGE] If a preferred backend is configured, then query-tee always returns \
its response, regardless of the response status code. Previously, query-tee \
would only return the response from the preferred backend if it did not have a \
5xx status code. #8634
* [ENHANCEMENT] Emit trace spans from query-tee. #8419
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log trace ID (if present) with all log messages written while \
processing a request. #8419
* [ENHANCEMENT] Log user agent when processing a request. #8419
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add `time` parameter to proxied instant queries if it is not \
included in the incoming request. This is optional but enabled by default, and \
can be disabled with \
`-proxy.add-missing-time-parameter-to-instant-queries=false`. #8419
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for sending only a proportion of requests to all \
backends, with the remainder only sent to the preferred backend. The default \
behaviour is to send all requests to all backends. This can be configured with \
`-proxy.secondary-backends-request-proportion`. #8532
* [ENHANCEMENT] Check annotations emitted by both backends are the same when \
comparing responses from two backends. #8660
* [ENHANCEMENT] Compare native histograms in query results when comparing \
results between two backends. #8724
* [ENHANCEMENT] Don't consider responses to be different during response \
comparison if both backends' responses contain different series, but all samples \
are within the recent sample window. #8749 #8894
* [ENHANCEMENT] When the expected and actual response for a matrix series is \
different, the full set of samples for that series from both backends will now \
be logged. #8947
* [ENHANCEMENT] Wait up to `-server.graceful-shutdown-timeout` for inflight \
requests to finish when shutting down, rather than immediately terminating \
inflight requests on shutdown. #8985
* [ENHANCEMENT] Optionally consider equivalent error messages the same when \
comparing responses. Enabled by default, disable with \
`-proxy.require-exact-error-match=true`. #9143 #9350 #9366
* [BUGFIX] Ensure any errors encountered while forwarding a request to a backend \
(eg. DNS resolution failures) are logged. #8419
* [BUGFIX] The comparison of the results should not fail when either side \
contains extra samples from within SkipRecentSamples duration. #8920
* [BUGFIX] When `` is enabled, compare sample \
timestamps with the time the query requests were made, rather than the time at \
which the comparison is occurring. #9416
### Documentation
* [ENHANCEMENT] Specify in which component the configuration flags \
`-compactor.blocks-retention-period`, `-querier.max-query-lookback`, \
`-query-frontend.max-total-query-length`, \
`-query-frontend.max-query-expression-size-bytes` are applied and that they are \
applied to remote read as well. #8433
* [ENHANCEMENT] Provide more detailed recommendations on how to migrate from \
classic to native histograms. #8864
* [ENHANCEMENT] Clarify that `{namespace}` and `{groupName}` path segments in \
the ruler config API should be URL-escaped. #8969
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include stalled compactor network drive information in runbooks. \
* [ENHANCEMENT] Document `/ingester/prepare-partition-downscale` and \
`/ingester/prepare-instance-ring-downscale` endpoints. #9132
* [ENHANCEMENT] Describe read-only mode of ingesters in component documentation. \
### Tools
* [CHANGE] `wal-reader`: Renamed `-series-entries` to `-print-series`. Renamed \
`-print-series-with-samples` to `-print-samples`. #8568
* [FEATURE] `query-bucket-index`: add new tool to query a bucket index file and \
print the blocks that would be used for a given query time range. #8818
* [FEATURE] `kafkatool`: add new CLI tool to operate Kafka. Supported commands: #9000
* `brokers list-leaders-by-partition`
* `consumer-group commit-offset`
* `consumer-group copy-offset`
* `consumer-group list-offsets`
* `create-partitions`
* [ENHANCEMENT] `wal-reader`: References to unknown series from Samples, \
Exemplars, histogram or tombstones records are now always logged. #8568
* [ENHANCEMENT] `tsdb-series`: added `-stats` option to print min/max time of \
chunks, total number of samples and DPM for each series. #8420
* [ENHANCEMENT] `tsdb-print-chunk`: print counter reset information for native \
histograms. #8812
* [ENHANCEMENT] `grpcurl-query-ingesters`: print counter reset information for \
native histograms. #8820
* [ENHANCEMENT] `grpcurl-query-ingesters`: concurrently query ingesters. #9102
* [ENHANCEMENT] `grpcurl-query-ingesters`: sort series and chunks in output. #9180
* [ENHANCEMENT] `grpcurl-query-ingesters`: print full chunk timestamps, not just \
time component. #9180
* [ENHANCEMENT] `tsdb-series`: Added `-json` option to generate JSON output for \
easier post-processing. #8844
* [ENHANCEMENT] `tsdb-series`: Added `-min-time` and `-max-time` options to \
filter samples that are used for computing data-points per minute. #8844
* [ENHANCEMENT] `mimir-rules-action`: Added new input to support matching target \
namespaces by regex. #9244
* [ENHANCEMENT] `mimir-rules-action`: Added new inputs to support ignoring \
namespaces and ignoring namespaces by regex. #9258 #9324