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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-pkgload
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-10-20 00:41:03
Message id:
Log Message:
(devel/R-pkgload) Updated 1.3.4. to 1.4.0
# pkgload 1.4.0
* The `reset` argment of `load_all()` is no longer supported because preserving
the namespace requires unlocking its environment, which is no longer possible
in recent versions of R. It should no longer be necessary as the performance
issues caused by resetting the namespace were resolved a while ago.
* New experimental feature for generating a `compile_commands.json` file after
each `load_all()`. This file is used by LSP servers such as clangd to provide
intellisense features in your native files. To enable it, add this directive
to your `DESCRIPTION` file:
Config/build/compilation-database: true
You'll also want to add `compile_commands.json` and `.cache` to your gitignore
and Rbuildignore files.
To accomplish all these steps, feel free to use the unexported function
`pkgload:::use_compilation_db()`. It will eventually be exported from the
usethis package.
* `load_all()` now includes a link to the exact location when loading failed \
(@olivroy, #282).
* User onload hooks are now passed a library path.
* Fixed an error when updating packages on load (@olivroy, #261).
* Fixed a bug in `shim_help()` where a complex `package = ` argument
evaluating to `NULL` would cause an error (#266).