Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-flask
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2024-11-17 10:32:22
Message id:

Log Message:
py-flask: update to 3.1.0.

Version 3.1.0

Released 2024-11-13

-   Drop support for Python 3.8. :pr:`5623`
-   Update minimum dependency versions to latest feature releases.
    Werkzeug >= 3.1, ItsDangerous >= 2.2, Blinker >= 1.9. :pr:`5624,5633`
-   Provide a configuration option to control automatic option
    responses. :pr:`5496`
-   ``Flask.open_resource``/``open_instance_resource`` and
    ``Blueprint.open_resource`` take an ``encoding`` parameter to use when
    opening in text mode. It defaults to ``utf-8``. :issue:`5504`
-   ``Request.max_content_length`` can be customized per-request instead of only
    through the ``MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH`` config. Added
    ``MAX_FORM_MEMORY_SIZE`` and ``MAX_FORM_PARTS`` config. Added documentation
    about resource limits to the security page. :issue:`5625`
-   Add support for the ``Partitioned`` cookie attribute (CHIPS), with the
    ``SESSION_COOKIE_PARTITIONED`` config. :issue:`5472`
-   ``-e path`` takes precedence over default ``.env`` and ``.flaskenv`` files.
    ``load_dotenv`` loads default files in addition to a path unless
    ``load_defaults=False`` is passed. :issue:`5628`
-   Support key rotation with the ``SECRET_KEY_FALLBACKS`` config, a list of old
    secret keys that can still be used for unsigning. Extensions will need to
    add support. :issue:`5621`
-   Fix how setting ``host_matching=True`` or ``subdomain_matching=False``
    interacts with ``SERVER_NAME``. Setting ``SERVER_NAME`` no longer restricts
    requests to only that domain. :issue:`5553`
-   ``Request.trusted_hosts`` is checked during routing, and can be set through
    the ``TRUSTED_HOSTS`` config. :issue:`5636`
