Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-survey
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-11-24 06:23:25
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-survey) Updated 4.2.0 to 4.4.2

4.4-2	Invalid read in C++ code, found by Brian Ripley, fixed by Ben Schneider

	Updated small-area vignette (Peter Gao)

4.4-1   CRAN

4.4	Fixes to calibration for PPS sampling

	A PPS variance matrix can now be specified as phase two of a two-phase design.
	This includes poisson_sampling() as a model for non-response (for Pam Shaw, \ 
Jasper Yang)

	svysmoothUnit() and svysmoothArea() as an interface to the SUMMER package for \ 
	estimation (Peter Gao, Jon Wakefield, Richard Li)

4.3	Added Ben Schneider's C++ code for multistage variances. It is currently \ 
	by options(survey.use_rcpp), which defaults to TRUE

	error in scaling Pearson residuals for svyrepglm led to confint.svrepglm with
	likelihood profiling not finding the ends of the interval (Stephanie Zimmer)

	svyolr with rank deficiency and subsetting of cases in raked designs was overwriting
	the 'keep' variable (Justin Wishart)

	print.svyciprop() was printing fewer digits for the upper CI limit than the
	lower limit.

       	C++ code issues fixed

	degrees of freedom for score F-test in loglinear models fixed (Thomas Loughin)

	correct the scale in the F-distributed score test (Keiran Shao)

	allow user to specify degf= in svrepdesign to avoid needing to compute it
	(for Ben Schneider)

	warn if svychisq() is used with a single variable (for Isabelle Michaud)

	fix svyglm(rescale=FALSE) for replicate weights
