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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/blender-lts
Date: 2024-12-09 15:44:18
Message id:
Log Message:
graphics/blender-lts: Update te 3.6.18
Blender 3.6.18 LTS
* Node Wrangler Color Space for Normal Map. [#129695]
* Sculpt: Crash or artifacts when using Scale Tool with multires. [#128917]
* Blender crashes after playing animation button for particles system
(Boids). [#126434]
* "Sync Visible Range" option not working in "Movie Clip Editor \
Panel" >
Tracking Mode > View - Graph. [#126728]
* Animation doesn't play/start when cursor is over side panel of NLA editor.
* NLA Editor's Channel list does not update when object's viewport
visibility changes. [#127117]
* `copy_from_face_interp` needs tuple input, loses reference, returns
nothing. [#120861]
* removing f-curve modifier does not purge modifier motion. [#128805]
* Viewport Shading, Render mode, render crashes. [#129235]
Blender 3.6.17 LTS
* Outdated HDRi license file. [#128095]
Blender 3.6.16 LTS
* atan2(0,0) evaluates to NaN on Metal but 0 on all other platforms. [#126799
* Build: Ambiguous call to isfinite for MSVC 17.11. [1da590cd2e4]
* Blender 3.6.15 MetalRT - Hiding all objects in rendered viewport crashes.
* Blender adds Grease Pencil Objects to Scene when appending IDs with
annotations (e.g. in their shader editor). [#127142]
Blender 3.6.15 LTS
* Incorrect sampling with 180deg Spot and Light tree activated. [#125168]
* Graph Editor: Cursor Value to Selection can output position outside
normalized range. [#125064]
* Graphical glitching on AMD Radeon GPU. [#116229]
Blender 3.6.14 LTS
* STL/PLY: Imported object data instanced. [#118148]
* [snap packaging] Please provide appstream common id. [#123473]
* Cycles: oneAPI: Fix driver version check for future Intel GPU drivers. [
* Collada: export when editing multiple objects does not pick up all changes.
* Possibly incorrect rendering result when using zero-spread area light on a
standard Lambertian object in Blender 3.6.12. [#123448]
Blender 3.6.13 LTS
* "Limit Location" constraint does not work when added via script. \
* Fix #102872: Custom Normals Average operator ui shows wrong properties. [#
* layout.template_search() causes crash if target is a PointerProperty. [#
* Exporting PLY with Vertex Normals ON + Importing PLY causes Broken Vertex
Normals. [#122344]
* Sculpt: After using clotch, an error will occur in the cloch filter -
filter type: scale. [#122429]
* Hair Curves: Grow brush doesn't work if curves have only two points. [#
* Pie menu performs multiple actions at the same time if it appears near the
edge of screen and hotkey is used. [#122526]
* Blender freezes when repeating baking textures. [#82483]
* Regression: Copy to selected on addons properties crach Blender. [#119999]