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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/R-gh
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-12-30 13:32:34
Message id:
Log Message:
(www/R-gh) Updated 1.3.0 to 1.4.1, make test passed
# gh 1.4.1
* `gh_next()`, `gh_prev()`, `gh_first()` and `gh_last()`
now work correctly again (#181).
* When the user sets `.destfile` to write the response to disk, gh now
writes the output to a temporary file, which is then renamed to
`.destfile` after performing the request, or deleted on error (#178).
# gh 1.4.0
* `gh()` gains a new `.max_rate` parameter that sets the maximum number of
requests per second.
* gh is now powered by httr2. This should generally have little impact on normal
operation but if a request fails, you can use `httr2::last_response()` and
`httr2::last_request()` to debug.
* `gh()` gains a new `.max_wait` argument which gives the maximum number of
minutes to wait if you are rate limited (#67).
* New `gh_rate_limits()` function reports on all rate limits for the active
* gh can now validate GitHub
personal access tokens (@jvstein, #171).
# gh 1.3.1
* gh now accepts lower-case methods i.e. both `gh::gh("get \
/users/hadley/repos")` and `gh::gh("GET /users/hadley/repos")` \
work (@maelle, #167).
* Response headers (`"response_headers"`) and response content
(`"response_content")` are now returned in error conditions so that error
handlers can use information, such as the rate limit reset header, when
handling `github_error`s (@gadenbuie, #117).