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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/R-rmarkdown
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2025-01-01 03:13:06
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Log Message:
(textproc/R-rmarkdown) Updated 2.19 to 2.29
rmarkdown 2.29
- `find_external_resources()` now correctly detects knitr child
document provided with option like `child = c("child.Rmd")` (thanks,
@rempsyc, #2574).
- `knit_params_ask()` uses a `select` input for parameters which allow
multiple selected values. Previously, a `radio` input was
incorrectly used when the parameter had a small number of choices.
choices: ["red", "yellow", "blue"]
multiple: true
When `multiple` is not enabled, parameter configuration still uses
`radio` when there are fewer than five choices.
The `input` parameter field can still be used to force the
configuration control.
input: radio
choices: ["A", "B", "C", \
"D", "F"]
rmarkdown 2.28
- Add classes `odd`, `even`, and `header` back to table rows for
Pandoc >= 3.2.1, so tables can be styled properly (thanks,
@therealgenna, #2567).
- `beamer_presentation` support handling latex dependencies via the
new `extra_dependencies` argument and declarations within chunks
(e.g., `knitr::asis_output("", meta =
list(rmarkdown::latex_dependency("longtable")))`) (thanks, @cderv,
@atusy, #2478).
rmarkdown 2.27
- Provide a global option `rmarkdown.files.suffix` to configure the
suffix of the directory for auxiliary files (thanks,
@certara-tzweers, #2550). By default, this suffix is `_files`, which
can cause HTML output files to be deleted automatically on Microsoft
OneDrive or Google Drive. If that is the case for you, you may set a
different suffix in your `.Rprofile`, e.g.,
`options(rmarkdown.files.suffix = "_rmdfiles")`.
- Fix a regression in 2.26 regarding image paths post-processing in
`html_document_base()`. Now absolute paths to image in the output
directory (`output_dir`) are correctly made relative to the output
directory again.
rmarkdown 2.26
- **rmarkdown** now requires **knitr** >= 1.43.
- Get rid of the superfluous warning in `find_pandoc()` (thanks,
@jszhao, #2527).
- Removed the **stringr** dependency since it is used only once in the
package and the equivalent base R code is simple enough (thanks,
@etiennebacher, #2530).
- For the output format option `fig_crop: auto`, it will now use the
same logic as in **knitr** to decide if cropping is possible
- Avoid corrupting input files by accident (thanks, @J-Moravec, #2534).
rmarkdown 2.25
- Fixed a bug that filenames beginning with `-` cause incorrect
invocation of Pandoc (thanks, @mbaynton, #2503).
- Documented how to merge `output_format_dependency()` to the output
format (thanks, @atusy, #2508).
- `ioslides_presentation()` now correctly works with new **shiny**
1.7.5 (thanks, @nicolasgaraycoa, #2514, @gadenbuie, #2516).
- Added a new argument `metadata` to the `pre_knit` function in
`output_format()` so that users will have access to the YAML
metadata of the input document before knitting it (#2485). Please
note that if you define `pre_knit` for a custom output format, you
are strongly recommended to leave a `...` argument in `pre_knit`, so
we (**rmarkdown** package authors) are free to add more arguments to
`pre_knit` without breaking your code. If your `pre_knit` function
does not have the `...` argument, you will get a warning.
rmarkdown 2.24
- Fixed `file_scope` being lost when extending output formats that
considers the `file_scope` using `output_format()`. Merge behavior
is to apply overlay `file_scope` function onto the result of
`base_format`'s `file_scope` function. This implies that
`file_scope` gains second argument which receives the returned
values of the base `file_scope` (thanks, @atusy, #2488).
- Added `output_format_dependency()` which allows extending output
format from within chunks (thanks, @atusy, #2462)
- Fix an issue with shiny prerendered document where dependencies
context were written twice leasing to parsing error (thanks,
@gadenbuie, rstudio/learn#597, #2500).
rmarkdown 2.23
- `find_external_resources()` works with formats defining there own
`theme` argument, like `cleanrmd::html_document_clean()`, not
related to **bslib** supports (thanks, @gadenbuie, #2493,
- Fixed version number comparison problems as requested by CRAN.
rmarkdown 2.22
- Using `css` with `.scss` and `.sass` file, or with a bslib theme,
now works as expected with a shiny runtime (thanks, @cpsievert,
#2443, #2447).
- Add a `pandoc_metadata_file_arg()` function to match Pandoc's CLI flag \
- Mentions that **webshot** or **webshot2** is required to take
screenshot of HTML widget. When not installed, an error message
mentioning `always_allow_html: true` solution will be shown, but
setting this is not the solution (quarto-dev/quarto-cli#4225).
- `html_dependency_jqueryui()` updated to 1.13.2 from version bundled
in shiny (thanks, @daschnerm, #2477).
- Fix an issue with YAML header ending with a commented line
containing incomplete yaml (thanks, @keithnewman, #2483).
- When code folding is enabled in `html_document()`, the text on the
button to show the content has been changed from "Code" to \
because the content to show is not necessarily code, e.g.,
rmarkdown 2.21
- Now HTML output formats use the Font Awesome HTML dependency from
the **fontawesome** package instead of shipping an outdated version
of Font Awesome in **rmarkdown** (thanks, @rich-iannone, #2451).
- Fixed a bug caused by a change in the `is_blank()` function in
**xfun** 0.38 (thanks, @andreahgsin, #2469).
rmarkdown 2.20
- The defunct `tufte_handout()` has been removed from
**rmarkdown**. Please use `tufte::tufte_handout()` instead.
- If an input path to `rmarkdown::render()` is a symbolic link, it is
no longer resolved to its real path (thanks, @SamDM @jmw86069,
- Make sure to avoid creating invalid paths when copying resources
(thanks, @mnazarov, #2429).
- Make sure `logo` is properly embedded in `ioslides_presentation()`
when `self_contained = TRUE` (thanks, @mnazarov, #2428).