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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/R-dtplyr
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2025-01-02 12:14:07
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Log Message:
(textproc/R-dtplyr) Updated 1.2.1 to 1.3.1
# dtplyr 1.3.1
* Fix for failing R CMD check.
* `dtplyr` no longer directly depends on `crayon`.
# dtplyr 1.3.0
## Breaking changes
* dplyr and tidyr verbs no longer dispatch to dtplyr translations when used
directly on data.table objects. `lazy_dt()` must now explicitly be called by
the user (#312).
## New features
* `across()` output can now be used as a data frame (#341).
* `.by`/`by` has been implemented for `mutate()`, `summarise()`, `filter()`,
and the `slice()` family (#399).
* New translations for `add_count()`, `pick()` (#341), and `unite()`.
* `min_rank()`, `dense_rank()`, `percent_rank()`, & `cume_dist()` are now mapped
to their `data.table` equivalents (#396).
## Performance improvements
* `arrange()` now utilizes `setorder()` when possible for improved performance
* `select()` now drops columns by reference when possible for improved
performance (#367).
* `slice()` uses an intermediate variable to reduce computation time of row
selection (#377).
## Minor improvements and bug fixes
* dtplyr no longer directly depends on `ellipsis`.
* Chained operations properly prevent modify-by-reference (#210).
* `across()`, `if_any()`, and `if_all()` evaluate the `.cols` argument
in the environment from which the function was called.
* `count()` properly handles grouping variables (#356).
* `desc()` now supports use of `.data` pronoun inside in `arrange()` (#346).
* `full_join()` now produces output with correctly named columns when a
non-default value for `suffix` is supplied. Previously the `suffix` argument
was ignored (#382).
* `if_any()` and `if_all()` now work without specifying the `.fns` argument
(@mgirlich, #325) and for a list of functions specified in the
(@mgirlich, #335).
* `pivot_wider()`'s `names_glue` now works even when `names_from` contains
`NA`s (#394).
* In `semi_join()` the `y` table is again coerced to a lazy table if
`copy = TRUE` (@mgirlich, #322).
* `mutate()` can now use `.keep`.
* `mutate()`/`summarize()` correctly translates anonymous functions (#362).
* `mutate()`/`transmute()` now supports `glue::glue()` and `stringr::str_glue()`
without specifying `.envir`.
* `where()` now clearly errors because dtplyr doesn't support selection
by predicate (#271).
# dtplyr 1.2.2
* Hot patch release to resolve R CMD check failures.