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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/time/R-timeDate
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2025-01-04 15:53:44
Message id:
Log Message:
(time/R-timeDate) Updated 4032.109 to 4041.110
# timeDate 4041.110
- new `timeDate` method for `$` for extraction of components of timeDate objects
- e.g., for a timeDate object `td`, `td$year`, `td$month`, and `td$sec` give
numeric vectors containing the corresponding components. In interactive
sessions completion is supported, usually by hitting the <TAB> key.
- new timeDate methods for the base R functions `quarters` and `weekdays` (they
return character vectors of names).
- new `timeDate` method for `months` returning a character vector. For now, a
character vector will be returned only if argument 'abbreviate' is set
explicitly (to `TRUE` or `FALSE`). If 'abbreviate' is missing, the numeric
values are returned, see the deprecation note below.
*Deprecation Warning:* a `timeDate` method for `months` has existed for a long
time but it was returning a numeric vector, which is inconsistent with the
other methods for months in base R (they return names of months). Returning a
numeric vector when 'abbreviate' is missing is a temporary compromise, to
avoid breaking old code but this should be considered deprecated. Use
`td$month` to get the numbers.
- now `timeDate(character(0))` returns a 0-length "timeDate" object. \
it was returning an `NA` "timeDate" object of length 1 if argument \
was missing and a 0-length object otherwise.
- changed the "timeDate" method for `show` to print something like \
'timeDate of
length 0' along with the FinCenter, which seems better than the previous
output for this case.
- new function `InternationalWomensDay` (suggested by Alexander Bartel
with code), fixes R-forge issue #6855). Now included in the list
returned by `listHolidays`.