Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-django-allauth
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2025-02-06 17:22:38
Message id:

Log Message:
py-django-allauth: updated to 65.4.0

65.4.0 (2025-02-06)

Note worthy changes

- The setting ``ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: str`` (with values
  ``"username"``, ``"username_email"``, \ 
``"email"``) has been replaced by
  ``ACCOUNT_LOGIN_METHODS: set[str]``. which is a set of values including
  ``"username"`` or ``"email"``. This change is performed in \ 
a backwards
  compatible manner.

- Headless: when ``HEADLESS_SERVE_SPECIFICATION`` is set to ``True``, the API
  specification will be served dynamically, over at
  ``/_allauth/openapi.(yaml|json|html)``.  The
  ``HEADLESS_SPECIFICATION_TEMPLATE_NAME`` can be configured to choose between
  Redoc (``"headless/spec/redoc_cdn.html"``) and Swagger (

- Headless: added a new setting, ``HEADLESS_CLIENTS`` which you can use to limit
  the types of API clients (app/browser).

- Headless: expanded the React SPA example to showcase integration with
  Django Ninja as well as Django REST framework.

- Headless: added out of the box support for being able to use the headless
  session tokens with Django Ninja and Django REST framework.
