Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/dhcpcd
From: Roy Marples
Date: 2025-02-12 17:54:18
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to dhcpcd-10.2.0 with the following changes:

dhcp6: start request when advertise received after IRT
dhcpcd: stdout output sometimes empty when redirected to a file
Fix help text formatting
Apply lastlease behavior to DHCPv6
dhcpcd not ignoring source-based routes on linux
DHCP6: lastlease behavior after Confim non-response
Allow limited RLIMIT_FSIZE when dumping lease
IPv6: Avoid uninitialized ifp state when adding address
DHCPv6: Add support for sending Option 17 (VSIO)
Exit the timesyncd hook if not on systemd and not executable
Add route lifetime from Router Advertisement
Fix using multiple enterprise IDs with vendclass
Update route if acquired time changes
Always send req for InfoRefreshTime option on Inform-Req
Increase max IPv4 clientid
