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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-cli
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2025-02-16 01:05:43
Message id:
Log Message:
(devel/R-cli) Updated 3.6.3 to 3.6.4
# cli 3.6.4
* Pluralization now handles edge cases (`NA`, `NaN`, `Inf` and `-Inf`)
better (@rundel, #716).
* The URI generated for `.file`, `.run`, `.help` and `.vignette` hyperlinks
can now be configured via options and env vars (@jennybc, #739, #744).
* `cli_progress_bar()` now accepts `total` = Inf or -Inf which mimics the
behavior of when `total` is NA (@LouisMPenrod, #630).
* `num_ansi_colors()` now does not warn in Emacs if the `INSIDE_EMACS`
environment variable is not a proper version number (@rundel, #689).
* `ansi_collapse()` and inline collapsing now uses `last` as the separator
(without the serial comma) for two-element vectors if `sep2` is not
given (@rundel, #681).
* `ansi_collapse()` is now correct for length-1 vectors with style "head"
if width is specified (@rundel, #590).
* New `hash_xxhash()` etc. functions to calculate the xxHash of strings,
raw vectors, objects, files.