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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2025-03-02 11:26:38
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Log Message:
(math/R) Updated 4.4.2 to 4.4.3
* R can be installed using C23 (for example with '-std=gnu23'
or '-std=gnu2x') with recent compilers including 'gcc'
12-14, Apple 'clang' 15-16, LLVM 'clang' 17-20 and Intel
'icx' 2024.2.
It can be installed with the upcoming (at the time of
writing) 'gcc' 15, which defaults to C23.
* The functions 'R_strtod' and 'R_atof' now allow hexadecimal
constants without an exponent, for compatibility with their
C99 versions (PR#18805).
* 'R CMD build' and 'R CMD check' now allow reference output
for demo scripts ('demo/<demo>' files) to be
shipped with the package, as proposed by Torsten Hothorn in
* 'kappa(A, exact=TRUE)' for singular 'A' returns 'Inf' more
generally, fixing PR#18817 reported by Mikael Jagan.
* Fixed URLs of the sun spots ('sunspot.month' etc) data sets
and mention future changes due to recalibration.
* The parser now accepts hexadecimal constants with a decimal
point without an exponent (taken as 'p0') as documented in
'?NumericConstants' (PR#18819).
* 'rbind()' now works correctly when inputs include a raw
vector and a logical, integer or double vector - previously
the inclusion of the latter was garbled.
* 'smooth.spline()' checks validity of its arguments
'df.offset' and 'penalty': it could segfault if they were
* 'isGeneric(<primitive>, fdef=*, getName=TRUE)' now also
returns the name instead of just 'TRUE', fixing PR#18829
reported by Mikael Jagan.
* 'isGeneric(fdef = print)' now works, fixing PR#18369 thanks
to Mikael Jagan.
* 'sort(x, method = "qsort")' made illegal accesses when 'x'
has length 0.
* 'dir.create()' is protected against being passed an empty
string as its 'path' argument.
* Silent integer overflow could occur in the 'exact'
computations for 'fisher.test()' for unrealistic inputs:
this is now an error.
* Some invalid C-level memory accesses are avoided for
'loglin(, margin = NULL)'.
'loglin(, param = TRUE)' no longer gives an error in corner
cases such as a one-dimensional input.
* 'dev.capabilities() $ events' now reports '"Idle"' if the
device provides it, fixing PR#18836, thanks to Trevor Davis.
* 'arima(.., seasonal = <wrong-vector>)' correctly errors now,
ditto for 'arima0()', thanks to Norbert Kuder's report on
the R-devel list.
* 'binomial(<link>)$linkinv(eta)' and '.. $mu.eta(eta)' now
also work for '"logit"' link when 'is.integer(eta)'.
* 'as.roman(x)' now should work platform independently, also
for, e.g., 'x = "IIIII"' (= V) and 'x = "IIIIII"' \
(= VI).
* 'R CMD Rd2pdf' works again on an installed package directory
containing LaTeX help (from option '--latex'), thanks to a
report by Peter Ruckdeschel.