Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-mock
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2025-03-05 16:02:53
Message id:

Log Message:
py-mock: updated to 5.2.0


This is release is `in memory of Michael Foord`__, who originally authored the \ 
`mock` package
and passed away in January 2025.


- gh-65454: :func:`unittest.mock.Mock.attach_mock` no longer triggers a call
  to a ``PropertyMock`` being attached.

- gh-117765: Improved documentation for :func:`unittest.mock.patch.dict`

- gh-124176: Add support for :func:`dataclasses.dataclass` in
  :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec`. Now ``create_autospec`` will check
  for potential dataclasses and use :func:`dataclasses.fields` function to
  retrieve the spec information.

- gh-123934: Fix :class:`unittest.mock.MagicMock` reseting magic methods
  return values after ``.reset_mock(return_value=True)`` was called.

- gh-90848: Fixed :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec` to configure parent
  mock with keyword arguments.

- gh-113569: Indicate if there were no actual calls in unittest
  :meth:`~unittest.mock.Mock.assert_has_calls` failure.

- gh-122858: Deprecate :func:`!asyncio.iscoroutinefunction` in favor of

- gh-104745: Limit starting a patcher (from :func:`unittest.mock.patch` or
  :func:`unittest.mock.patch.object`) more than once without stopping it

- gh-75988: Fixed :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec` to pass the call
  through to the wrapped object to return the real result.

- gh-119600: Fix :func:`unittest.mock.patch` to not read attributes of the
  target when ``new_callable`` is set. Patch by Robert Collins.

- gh-113407: Fix import of :mod:`unittest.mock` when CPython is built
  without docstrings.

- gh-120732: Fix ``name`` passing to :class:`unittest.mock.Mock` object when
  using :func:`unittest.mock.create_autospec`.
