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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/py-sqlalchemy
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2025-03-12 15:32:54
Message id:
Log Message:
py-sqlalchemy: updated to 2.0.39
[orm] [bug]
Fixed bug where using DML returning such as Insert.returning() with an ORM model \
that has column_property() constructs that contain subqueries would fail with an \
internal error.
[orm] [bug]
Fixed bug in ORM enabled UPDATE (and theoretically DELETE) where using a \
multi-table DML statement would not allow ORM mapped columns from mappers other \
than the primary UPDATE mapper to be named in the RETURNING clause; they would \
be omitted instead and cause a column not found exception.
[orm] [bug]
Fixed issue where the “is ORM” flag of a select() or other ORM statement \
would not be propagated to the ORM Session based on a multi-part operator \
expression alone, e.g. such as Cls.attr + Cls.attr + Cls.attr or similar, \
leading to ORM behaviors not taking place for such statements.
[orm] [bug]
Fixed issue where using aliased() around a CTE construct could cause \
inappropriate “duplicate CTE” errors in cases where that aliased construct \
appeared multiple times in a single statement.
[sql] [bug]
Added new parameters AddConstraint.isolate_from_table and \
DropConstraint.isolate_from_table, defaulting to True, which both document and \
allow to be controllable the long-standing behavior of these two constructs \
blocking the given constraint from being included inline within the “CREATE \
TABLE” sequence, under the assumption that separate add/drop directives were \
to be used.
[typing] [usecase]
Support generic types for compound selects (union(), union_all(), \
Select.union(), Select.union_all(), etc) returning the type of the first select. \
Pull request courtesy of Mingyu Park.
[asyncio] [bug]
Fixed bug where AsyncResult.scalar(), AsyncResult.scalar_one_or_none(), and \
AsyncResult.scalar_one() would raise an AttributeError due to a missing internal \
attribute. Pull request courtesy Allen Ho.
[postgresql] [bug]
Add SQL typing to reflection query used to retrieve a the structure of IDENTITY \
columns, adding explicit JSON typing to the query to suit unusual PostgreSQL \
driver configurations that don’t support JSON natively.
[postgresql] [bug]
Fixed issue affecting PostgreSQL 17.3 and greater where reflection of domains \
with “NOT NULL” as part of their definition would include an invalid \
constraint entry in the data returned by PGInspector.get_domains() corresponding \
to an additional “NOT NULL” constraint that isn’t a CHECK constraint; the \
existing "nullable" entry in the dictionary already indicates if the \
domain includes a “not null” constraint. Note that such domains also cannot \
be reflected on PostgreSQL 17.0 through 17.2 due to a bug on the PostgreSQL \
side; if encountering errors in reflection of domains which include NOT NULL, \
upgrade to PostgreSQL server 17.3 or greater.
[postgresql] [bug]
Fixed issue in PostgreSQL network types INET, CIDR, MACADDR, MACADDR8 where \
sending string values to compare to these types would render an explicit CAST to \
VARCHAR, causing some SQL / driver combinations to fail. Pull request courtesy \
Denis Laxalde.
[postgresql] [bug]
Fixed compiler issue in the PostgreSQL dialect where incorrect keywords would be \
passed when using “FOR UPDATE OF” inside of a subquery.
[sqlite] [bug]
Fixed issue that omitted the comma between multiple SQLite table extension \
clauses, currently WITH ROWID and STRICT, when both options \
Table.sqlite_with_rowid and Table.sqlite_strict were configured at their \
non-default settings at the same time. Pull request courtesy david-fed.