Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-jirametrics
From: Amitai Schleier
Date: 2025-03-13 00:40:22
Message id:

Log Message:
ruby-jirametrics: update to 2.11. Changes:

- Aging work in progress chart - improvements
  - We've always shown the 85% point in each column so we can
    immediately see if an item is an outlier. We now show the 50%, 85%,
    98%, and 100% points as well.
  - The CSS variable `--aging-work-in-progress-chart-shading-color` has
    been removed and replaced with four new ones for the percentile
    colours. This will only matter to you if you're customizing the CSS.
  - We no longer show all the columns, only those that are considered
    "in progress", to reduce clutter.
- Aging work table - improvements
  - In addition to the current age, we display how much longer it's
    likely to take to finish this. This is a forecast, based on
    historical data for this board.
  - If an item has a due date then we display that. We also show if
    we're likely to complete by that date.
- If Javascript is disabled in the browser then almost none of the
  charts will be visible and the report will be largely useless. We now
  display a warning the the top of the page if this is the case. This
  has been reported as a frequent problem when reports are stored on
  Sharepoint as it will disable javascript by default and then people
  are left wondering why the report isn't helpful.
- Bug: Fixed obscure exception when one issue had been blocked on
  another issue that isn't currently downloaded AND we were using either
  `currently_in_status` or `currently_in_status_category`.
- Bug: Fixed bug where `info` was only being written to the log and not
  to the console, making it seem if it weren't working at all.
- `info` improvement: Statuses now list the id of the status as well
  as the name.
- Jira will happily let you create two columns on a board with the same
  name. Unfortunately there are no id's with those columns so there is
  now no way to tell them apart. This change will add a numerical
  suffix such as Backlog-2 to duplicate columns so that we're able to
  work with them.

Updating during pkgsrc careful mode as this is a leaf package and
contains bugfixes.
