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Subject: CVS commit: wip/manatee
From: David
Date: 2005-02-25 21:27:58
Message id:
Log Message:
Manatee is a web-based gene evaluation and genome annotation tool. Manatee can \
store and view annotation for prokaryotic and eukaryoticgenomes. The Manatee \
interface allows biologists to quickly identify genes and make high quality \
functional assignments, such as GO classifications, using search data, \
paralogous families, and annotation suggestions generated from automated \
analysis. Manatee is written in Perl and run under the CGI area of a web server, \
such as Apache. Manatee also requires at least one Mysql (or Sybase) project \
database and associated search files. The project databases use a data model and \
schema developed at TIGR for representing Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic data.