Log Message: Catch up to modern pkginstall framework: USE_PKGINSTALL has been dead for a while now, and *_EXTRA_TMPL are generally not needed anymore.
Revision | Action | file |
0 | modify | wip/ripole/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/rsyslog/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sarg/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sendmailX/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/shaper/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sid-milter/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/siproxd/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sm-change_ldappass/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sm-change_qldforward/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/smtprc/Makefile.common |
0 | modify | wip/spamassassin-cvs/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/spfmilter/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/squirrelmail-chg_sasl_passwd/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/stunnel3/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sugarCRM/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sun-j2me/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sysklogd/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sysstat/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/tex-arphic-ttf/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/tex-baekmuk-ttf/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/tex-kochi-ttf/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/tutos/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/util-linux/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/vixie-cron/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/xinetd/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/ypbind-mt/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/ypserv/Makefile |