Subject: CVS commit: wip/jwm
From: Jeremy C. Reed
Date: 2006-05-27 02:58:38
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.7

 * JWM v1.6 <> 20060423
      + Fixed  a  bug  that caused JWM to lose the state of withdrawn
      + Fixed a Xinerama window placement issue.
      + Fixed shading of shaped windows.
      + Fixed snap-to-screen with Xinerama.
      + It is now possible to fix the width of the clock.
      + Added "coordinates" attribute to MoveMode and ResizeMode.
      + Fixed a bug related to removing the Dock and restarting.
      + No longer waits for Swallow items at startup.
      + Fixed FriBidi UTF conversion (lior2b).
      + Fixed a key binding issue on shutdown/restart (lior2b).
      + Fixed a key binding issue with keycode.
      + Fixed a bug involving maximized windows and the clock.
      + Decreased the default popup delay to 600 ms.
      + Added a 3 pixel border to popups.
      + Scrollwheel now switches windows when over the task list.
      + Scrollwheel now switches desktops over the root window.
      + Scrollwheel now shades/unshades when over title bars.
      + Double clicking now maximizes/restores when over title bars.
      + Fixed a bug with key masks.
      + A  second  click  on  a "showdesktop" button will now restore
        minimized windows.
      + New window buttons (lior2b).
      + New minimized icon (lior2b).
      + Put brackets around minimized items (lior2b).
      + Scroll menus that are too big for the screen.
      + Moving a maximized window now un-maximizes it.
      + Resizing a maximized window now un-maximizes it (lior2b).
      + Left  clicking  on  a  window  icon now shows the window menu
 * JWM v1.7 <> 20060427
      + Fixed clock redrawing issue.
      + Fixed Tray valign attribute.
      + No longer un-maximizes on a single click to title bars.
