Log Message: Upgrade to 22.1.5 release - fix configure script botch with patch-aa - handle aRts sound support in options - compiles and runs, installation not yet tested
Revision | Action | file |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/TODO |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/distinfo |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/options.mk |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/patches/patch-aa |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/patches/patch-ac |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/patches/patch-af |
0 | modify | wip/sxemacs/patches/patch-ag |
0 | remove | wip/sxemacs/patches/patch-ae |