Log Message: Fix build on NetBSD-current (gcc4 is picky about signedness). Add missing file to PLIST. Always use GNU readline, the NetBSD replacement is missing some functions. Add some USE_DIRS. Uses pkgconfig and intltool tools. Doesn't really need p5-XML-Parser.
Revision | Action | file |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/Makefile |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/PLIST |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/distinfo |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/patches/patch-aa |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/patches/patch-ab |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/patches/patch-ae |
0 | modify | wip/linphone/patches/patch-ah |