Subject: CVS commit: wip/dkim-milter
From: Jukka Salmi
Date: 2007-10-07 15:27:34
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 2.3.0:

2.3.0		2007/10/06
	Add "UseSSPDeny" configuration option which causes the filter
		to reject messages which are determined to be suspicious
		according to the new draft-ietf-dkim-ssp-01, and whose
		sending domains advertise a recommended handling of "deny",
		and whose SSP records are not in "test" mode.
	Add "MaximumSignedBytes" configuration option limiting the number
		of bytes of the message body to be signed.
	Add "-t" command line option for reading an RFC2822-formatted
		message from a named file and attempting to evaluate it,
		"-F" command line option for using a fixed signing
		time, and "-v" command line option for requesting verbose
		output.  Finally, new configuration option "StrictTestMode"
		asserts that all lines of input must be CRLF-terminated.
		Based on patches from Kaspar Brand.
	Add "TestPublicKeys" setting for instructing libdkim to read public
		keys from a file, for use during automated testing.
		Based on a patch from Jeff Barry.
	When using _FFR_QUERY_CACHE, periodically report cache activity
	Don't arbitrarily suppress signing of already-signed messages.
	Fix bug #25728: When "AutoRestart" is in use, try to remove the
		socket (if it's a UNIX domain socket) prior to trying to
		start the child.
	LIBDKIM: Add dkim_getmode() function.
	LIBDKIM: Fixes to policy evaluation in dkim_policy().  Based on a
		patch from Jeff Barry.
	LIBDKIM: Patch #SF1796687: Add DKIM_LIBFLAGS_ACCEPTV05 which causes
		the library to accept signatures with version strings of
		"0.5", i.e. those based on later versions of the DKIM draft
		specification.  This does not change any other part of
		signature validation or canonicalization, only the version
		string test.  Suggested by Jim Fenton of Cisco.
	LIBDKIM: When closing canonicalizations, flush the temporary files
		rather than closing them so that things like dkim_reportinfo()
		return useful descriptors.  Close the temporary files in
		dkim_canon_free() only.  Problem noted by Jeff Barry.
	LIBDKIM: Fix variable argument processing by merging dkim_error()
		and dkim_verror().  The previous code was causing
		segmentation faults on selected operating systems.
	Activate the following FFRs:
