Subject: CVS commit: wip/confuse
From: Adam Hoka
Date: 2008-01-29 03:26:55
Message id:

Log Message:
New in 2.6

* added French translation contributed by Matthieu Sion
* added build script and instructions for compiling with Mingw under Windows
 (contributed by Matthieu Sion)
* now accepts a simplified list append syntax:
  option += "value"
 insted of
  option += {"value"}
* added flag CFGF_NO_TITLE_DUPES: multiple section titles must be unique
   (duplicates raises an error, only applies to sections)
   (suggested by Brian Fallik)
* fixed rpm builds, patch by Dan Lipsitt
* always installs pkg-config .pc script
* remove obsolete confuse-config script in favour of pkg-config
* fixed a bug reported by Josh Kropf with single sections with titles
* added patch that escapes values with quotes and backslashes when printing.
* fixed a memory leak in default values for string lists,
  reported by Vineeth Neelakant.
* windows build files now only in separate zip distribution
