Subject: CVS commit: wip/pkg_src_summary/files
From: Aleksey Cheusov
Date: 2008-02-11 00:14:30
Message id:

Log Message:

NEW utility pkg_src_micro_summary. Just like pkg_src_summary
    it generates summary about pkgsrc source packages.
    But as the name states MICRO summary is generated, i.e.
    only PKGNAME and PKGPATH fields are output

    GOOD NEWS is that this summary is generated VERY fast for 90%
    of pkgsrc packages, because instead of 'make show-var ...'
    I use hack that extract PKGNAME drammatically faster for most packages.

    Another good news is that this MICRO summary is good enough for
    checking, for example, installed packages against pkgsrc/ tree
    (see wip/pkg_cmp_summary) and this process is MUCH faster now.

    Bad news is that not everything is tested yet ;-). I'll do this soon.

pkg_src_summary: fix in printf
