Subject: CVS commit: wip/kdebase-workspace4
From: mwdavies
Date: 2008-03-06 12:29:51
Message id:

Log Message:
kde 4.0.2

Add session switching.

Option to show only task of the current desktop in the taskbar.
Open toolbox when the dashboard view starts (to show the user a way how
to "Hide Dashboard" again).
Taskbar: Use severals rows if there is too much items to fit in one row.
Enable dragging from desktop to panel.

Toolbox improvements.
Remove background from the list when it is deleted on disk.
Do not crash when previewing very small backgrounds.
Fix corrupted taskbar icons for some applications.
Animate background changes.
React to color theme changes.
Add an "Add Widgets" context action.
Let's configure also the panel location (vertical panels are great).
Added option to be able to change the size (aka height) of the panel.
Use taskbar setting for font in the taskbar. Makes resizable panels work
even better.
Added option to be able to change the size (aka height) of the panel.
Fix wrong wrapped texts in task list.
Fix crash in taskbar.
Make Plasma's pager applet use kcolorscheme and the font from the taskbar.
Also make Plasma's colorscheme use colors from the Oxygen palette.
Fix colorscheme usage in taskbar.
Don't translate Url config key
Remove background from the list when it is deleted on disk.
Fix crash on closing applets.
Fixes for moving applets behind windows, making them disappear properly.
Fix context menus on applets that are also containments.
Backport the fix to rotating applets - the handles now perform as expected
on rotated applets.
Backport another fix to prevent jumping applets on resize, this time
when the handle disappears.

Set the threadpool according to the number of processors on the system.
Better sort ordering.

Hitting <Enter> key opens all selected instead of just one of them.

Pass accented characters correctly to the search engines.

Don't paint in compositing mode windows that have been hidden by KWin
itself (utility windows).
Fix taskbar tooltips not updating window preview.
