Subject: CVS commit: wip/genshi
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2008-07-16 15:27:37
Message id:

Log Message:
Update Genshi to 0.5.1.

Version 0.5.1
(Jul 9 2008, from branches/stable/0.5.x)

 * Fix problem with nested match templates not being applied when buffering
   on the outer `py:match` is disabled. Thanks to Erik Bray for reporting the
   problem and providing a test case!
 * Fix problem in `Translator` filter that would cause the translation of
   text nodes to fail if the translation function returned an object that was
   not directly a string, but rather something like an instance of the
   `LazyProxy` class in Babel (ticket #145).
 * Fix problem with match templates incorrectly being applied multiple times.
 * Includes from templates loaded via an absolute path now include the correct
   file in nested directories as long if no search path has been configured
   (ticket #240).
 * Unbuffered match templates could result in parts of the matched content
   being included in the output if the match template didn't actually consume
   it via one or more calls to the `select()` function (ticket #243).
