Subject: CVS commit: wip/paexec
From: Aleksey Cheusov
Date: 2008-09-05 11:53:13
Message id:

Log Message:
mirror site added to MASTER_SITES

updated to version 0.10.0

   Lots of new regression tests

   README file: 'make test' is documented

   ADDED: -s option

       Partially ordered set of tasks are read from stdin.

       Instead of autonomous tasks, graph of the tasks is read from
       stdin.  In this mode every task can either FAIL or SUCCEED.  As
       always an empty line output by command means end of task.  The
       line before it shows an EXIT STATUS of the task.  The word
       "failure" means failure, "success" - success.
       See examples/1_div_x/1_div_X_cmd for the sample.  An input line
       (paexec's stdin) should contain either single task without
       spaces inside or two tasks separated by single space character,
       e.g.  task1<SPC>task2. task1<SPC>task2 line means that task1
       must be done before task2 and it is mandatory, that is if task1
       fail all dependent tasks (including task2) are also failed
       recursively.  Tasks having dependencies are started only after
       all dependencies are succeeded. When a task succeeds paexec
       outputs "success" word just before end_of_task marker (see -e
       or -E), otherwise "failure" word is output followed by a list
       of tasks failed because of it.


                tasks (examples/make_package/make_package_tasks file)

                  devel/autoconf wip/libmaa
                  devel/gmake wip/libmaa
                  wip/libmaa wip/dict-server
                  wip/libmaa wip/dict-client
                  devel/m4 wip/dict-server
                  devel/byacc wip/dict-server
                  devel/byacc wip/dict-client
                  devel/flex wip/dict-server
                  devel/flex wip/dict-client

                command (examples/make_package/make_package_cmd__flex)

                  #!/usr/bin/awk -f
                     print $0 # print a package name

                     if ($0 == "devel/flex")
                        print "failure" # cannot build flex ;-)
                        print "success" # all other packages are ok

                     print ""       # end of task marker

                output of "paexec -s -l -c make_package_cmd__flex -n +10 \
                           < make_package_tasks"

                  3 devel/autoconf
                  3 success
                  4 devel/gmake
                  4 success
                  7 devel/m4
                  7 success
                  8 devel/byacc
                  8 success
                  9 devel/flex
                  9 failure
                  9 devel/flex wip/dict-server wip/dict-client
                  10 devel/glib2
                  10 success
                  11 devel/libjudy
                  11 success
                  1 textproc/dictem
                  1 success
                  2 wip/libmaa
                  2 success
