Subject: CVS commit: wip/py-gevent
From: Kamel Derouiche
Date: 2010-07-17 02:49:41
Message id:

Log Message:

	Update 0.13.0
	Release highlights:

- Added :mod:`gevent.server` module with :class:`StreamServer` class for easy \ 
implementing of TCP and SSL servers.
- Added :mod:`gevent.baseserver` module with :class:`BaseServer` class.
- Added new implementation of :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` based on \ 
:mod:`gevent.server`. Contributed by **Ralf Schmitt**.
- Added :mod:`gevent.local` module. Fixed issue #24. Thanks to **Ted Suzman**.
- Fixed a number of bugs in :mod:`gevent.wsgi` module.
- Fixed issue #26: closing a socket now interrupts all pending read/write \ 
operations on it.
- Implemented workaround that prevents greenlets from leaking ``exc_info``.
- Fixed :meth:`socket.sendall` to use buffer object to prevent string copies.
- Made the interfaces of :mod:`gevent.wsgi` and :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` much more \ 
similar to each other.
- Fixed compilation on Windows with libevent-2. 
- Improved Windows compatibility. Fixed issue #30. Thanks to **Luigi Pugnetti**.
- Fixed compatibility with Python 2.7.

Backward-incompatible changes:

- Blocking is now the default behaviour for the :meth:`Greenlet.kill` method and \ 
other kill* methods.
- Changed the inteface of :class:`http.HTTPServer` to match the interface of \ 
other servers.
- Changed :class:`Pool`'s :meth:`spawn` method to block until there's a free slot.
- Removed deprecated :func:`backdoor.backdoor_server` function.
- Removed deprecated functions in :mod:`socket` module:

  - :func:`socket_bind_and_listen`
  - :func:`set_reuse_addr`
  - :func:`connect_tcp`
  - :func:`tcp_server`

- Removed deprecated :attr:`socket.fd` property.
- Deprecated use of negative numbers to indicate infinite timeout in \ 
:func:`core.event.add` and :func:`socket.wait_read` and similar. Use ``None`` \ 
from now on, which is compatible with the previous versions.
- Derived :class:`backdoor.BackdoorServer` from :class:`StreamServer` rather \ 
than from :class:`Greenlet`. This adds lots of new features and removes a few \ 
old ones.
- Removed non-standard :attr:`balance` property from :class:`Semaphore`.
- Removed :func:`start`, :func:`set_cb` and :func:`set_gencb` from \ 
- Removed :func:`set_closecb` from :class:`core.http_connection`. It is now used \ 
internally to detach the requests of the closed connections.
- Deprecated :mod:`rawgreenlet` module.
- Deprecated :func:`util.lazy_property`.
- Renamed :class:`GreenletSet` to :class:`Group`. The old name is currently \ 
available as an alias.

:mod:`gevent.socket` module:

- Fixed issues #26 and #34: closing the socket while reading/writing/connecting \ 
is now safe. Thanks to **Cyril Bay**.
- Imported :func:`getfqdn` from :mod:`socket` module.
- The module now uses ``sys.platform`` to detect Windows rather than \ 
:mod:`platform` module.
- Fixed issue #27: :func:`getaddrinfo` used to handle the case when *socktype* \ 
or *proto* were equal to ``0``. Thanks to **Randall Leeds**.

:mod:`gevent.coros` module:

- Added :class:`RLock` class.
- Added :class:`DummySemaphore` class.
- Fixed :class:`BoundedSemaphore` class to behave like \ 
:class:`threading.BoundedSemaphore` behaves.

:mod:`gevent.event` module:

- Made :meth:`Event.wait` return internal flag instead of ``None``.
- Made :meth:`AsyncResult.wait` return its ``value`` instead of ``None``.
- Added :meth:`ready` method as an alias for :meth:`is_set`.

:mod:`gevent.wsgi` module:

- Removed :class:`wsgi.buffer_proxy`.

:mod:`gevent.pywsgi` module:

- Rewritten to use :mod:`server` and not to depend on :mod:`BaseHTTPServer`.
- Changed the interface to match :mod:`wsgi` module.
  Removed :func:`server` function, add :class:`Server` class, added \ 
:class:`WSGIServer` class.
- Renamed :class:`HttpProtocol` to :class:`WSGIHandler`.
- Fixed compatibility with webob by allowing an optional argument to \ 

:mod:`gevent.core` module:

- Fixed reference leaks in :class:`event` class.
- Avoid Python name lookups when accessing EV_* constants from Cython code. \ 
Patch by **Daniele Varrazzo**.
- Added *persist* argument to :class:`read_event`, :class:`write_event` and \ 
- Made all of the event loop callbacks clear the exception info before exiting.
- Added :attr:`flags_str` property to :class:`event`. It is used by ``__str__`` \ 
and ``__repr__``.
- :class:`buffer <core.buffer>`:

  - Added :meth:`detach` method.
  - Implemented iterator protocol.
  - Fixed :meth:`readline` and :meth:`readlines` methods.

- :class:`http_request`:

  - Fixed :meth:`detach` to detach input and output buffers too.
  - Changed the response to send 500 error upon deallocation, if no response was \ 
sent by the user.
  - Made :attr:`input_buffer` and :attr:`output_buffer` store and reuse the \ 
:class:`buffer` object they create.
  - Fixed :meth:`__str__` and meth:`__repr__` to include spaces where needed.
  - :class:`http` class no longer has :meth:`set_cb` and :meth:`set_gencb`. \ 
Instead its contructor accepts *handle* which will be called on each request.

:mod:`gevent.http` and :mod:`gevent.wsgi` modules:

- Made :class:`HTTPServer` use ``"Connection: close"`` header by default.
- Class :class:`HTTPServer` now derives from :class:`baseserver.BaseServer`. \ 
Thus its :meth:`start` method no longer accepts socket to listen on, it must be \ 
passed to the contructor.
- The *spawn* argument now accepts a :class:`Pool` instance. While the pool is \ 
full, the server replies with 503 error.
- The server no longer links to the greenlets it spawns to detect errors. \ 
Instead, it relies on :class:`http_request` which will send 500 reply when \ 
deallocated if the user hasn't send any.

- Changed :mod:`gevent.thread` to use :class:`Greenlet` instead of raw \ 
greenlets. This means monkey patched thread will become :class:`Greenlet` too.
- Added :attr:`started` property to :class:`Greenlet`.
- Put common server code in :mod:`gevent.baseserver` module. All servers in \ 
gevent package are now derived from :class:`BaseServer`.
- Fixed issue #20: :func:`sleep` now raises :exc:`IOError` if passed a negative \ 
- Remove the code related to finding out libevent version from as macro \ 
``USE_LIBEVENT_?`` is no longer needed to build ``gevent.core``.
- Increased default backlog in all servers (from 5 to 256). Thanks to **Nicholas \ 
- Fixed doc/ to work in Python older than 2.6. Thanks to **?rjan Persson**.
- Silented SystemError raised in :mod:`backdoor` when a client typed ``quit()``.
- If importing :mod:`greenlet` failed with ImportError, keep the original error \ 
  because sometimes the error originates in setuptools.
- Changed :func:`` to return all the file descriptors signalled, \ 
not just the first one.
- Made :mod:`thread` (and thus monkey patched threads) to spawn \ 
:class:`Greenlet` instances, rather than raw greenlets.


- Updated to use :class:`StreamServer`.
- Added
- Added
Thanks to **Ralf Schmitt** for :mod:`pywsgi`, a number of fixes for :mod:`wsgi`, \ 
help with
:mod:`baseserver` and :mod:`server` modules, improving and various \ 
other patches and suggestions.

Thanks to **Uriel Katz** for :mod:`pywsgi` patches.
