Subject: CVS commit: wip/redis
From: Filip Hajny
Date: 2012-02-02 09:52:50
Message id:

Log Message:
Update redis to 2.4.6.

Fix for a unconditional backtrace function.

What's new in Redis 2.4.6

* Fixed issue #141 part 1: Possible protocol desyncs when clients send
  wrong protocol is now fixed. (See issue 141 for more details)
* Fixed issue #141 part 2: Connection of multiple slaves used to result
  from time to time into corrupted protocol send to slaves connected
  after the first one. (See issue 141 for more details)
* Do not propagate DEBUG LOADAOF.
* New INFO contains information such as ip/port/state for every connected
* Show GCC version in INFO output.

What's new in Redis 2.4.5

* Fixed a ZUNIONSTORE/ZINTERSTORE bug that can cause a NaN to be
  inserted as a sorted set element score. This happens when one of the
  elements has +inf/-inf score and the weight used is 0.
* Fixed memory leak in CLIENT INFO.
* Fixed a non critical SORT bug (Issue 224).
* Fixed a replication bug: now the timeout configuration is respected
  during the connection with the master.
* --quiet option implemented in the Redis test.
