Subject: CVS commit: wip/libee
From: Bartosz Kuzma
Date: 2012-02-12 19:32:21
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.3.2

Changes since 0.3.1
 * API enhancements:
    - added capability to enumerate tags inside a tagbucket
    - added capability to obtain tagbucket for an event
      -> ee_EventGetTagbucket()
    - added capability to add a string value to a field in one call
      -> ee_addStrValueToField()
    - added ee_getTag(), ee_setTags()
 * added additional parser
    - RFC5424Date
 * potentially problematic API change: in earlier versions,
   the function ee_TagbucketHasTag() was errornously name ee_BucketHasTag().
 * This has been corrected, potentially resulting in API incompatibility.
   We have accepted this, because we are at level 0.x AND know that potentially
   no current user has ever used this function, but instead the upper-layer
   equivalents. But if thinks break, you now know why ;)
 * flat tags are no longer encoded in the CEE encoders as CEE does not support
   flat tags. However, this can be turned on via context flags, if desired
 * bugfix: compile problems under Solaris
 * bugfix: ee_EventGetTagbucket() always returned -1 (error)
