Subject: CVS commit: wip/opendnssec
From: Fredrik Pettai
Date: 2012-09-30 01:27:14
Message id:

Log Message:
OpenDNSSEC 1.4.0b1 - 2012-09-06

* OPENDNSSEC-130: libhsm: The PIN is now optional in conf.xml. The PIN can be
  entered using "ods-hsmutil login" and is stored in shared memory. \ 
The daemons
  will not start until this has been done by the user.
* OPENDNSSEC-297: Enforcer: Multi-threaded option available for the enforcer to
  improve performance (MySQL only). 
* OPENDNSSEC-320: Signer Engine: The <ProvideTransfer>, <Notify>, \ 
  and <RequestTransfer> elements are now optional, but if provided they require
  one or more <Peer> or <Remote> elements.

* OPENDNSSEC-255: Signer Engine: OpenDNSSEC 1.4.0a1 writes out mangled RRSIG
* OPENDNSSEC-261: Signer Engine: Ldns fails to parse RR that seems syntactically
* OPENDNSSEC-269: Signer Engine: Crash when multiple threads access ixfr struct.
* OPENDNSSEC-281: Commandhandler sometimes unresponsive.
* OPENDNSSEC-318: Signer Engine: Don't stop dns and xfr handlers if these
  threads have not yet been started.
* OPENDNSSEC-319: Signer Engine: Fix TSIG segfault on signer shutdown.
* OPENDNSSEC-325: Signer Engine: Don't include RRSIG records when DO bit is not
* OPENDNSSEC-326: Signer Engine: Stop serving a zone that could not be
  transferred from master and has been expired.
