Log Message: Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days. Mark packages that don't or might probably not have staged installation.
Revision | Action | file |
1.22 | modify | wip/pointless/Makefile |
1.7 | modify | wip/polipo/Makefile |
1.2 | modify | wip/polylib/Makefile |
1.2 | modify | wip/polymul/Makefile |
1.9 | modify | wip/pop-before-smtp/Makefile |
1.6 | modify | wip/pop3.proxy/Makefile |
1.9 | modify | wip/postal2-mpdemo-bin/Makefile |
1.13 | modify | wip/postoffice/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/postr/Makefile |
1.5 | modify | wip/pound/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/povray/Makefile |
1.10 | modify | wip/ppp/Makefile |
1.11 | modify | wip/ppr/Makefile |
1.2 | modify | wip/probcons/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | wip/probe/Makefile |
1.12 | modify | wip/procps/Makefile |
1.6 | modify | wip/progreiserfs/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | wip/protobuf/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/prover9/Makefile |
1.9 | modify | wip/proxychains/Makefile |
1.10 | modify | wip/proxyknife/Makefile |
1.11 | modify | wip/prozilla/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/prpltwtr/Makefile |
1.5 | modify | wip/psh/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | wip/psybnc/Makefile |
1.3 | modify | wip/pt-ttf/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/ptunnel/Makefile |
1.7 | modify | wip/pudb/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | wip/pure/Makefile |
1.2 | modify | wip/purple-translate/Makefile |
1.11 | modify | wip/pxlib/Makefile |
1.8 | modify | wip/pxview/Makefile |