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Subject: CVS commit: wip/R-bnlearn
From: Mike M. Volokhov
Date: 2012-11-16 02:05:42
Message id:
Log Message:
Update R-bnlearn to version 3.1. Major changes:
* fixed all.equal(), it did not work as expected on networks
that were idetical save for the order of nodes or arcs.
* added a "moral" argument to cpdag() and vstructs() to make
those functions follow the different definitions of v-structure.
* added support for graphs with 1 and 2 nodes.
* fixed cpquery() handling of TRUE (this time for real).
* handle more corner cases in dsep().
* added a BIC method for bn and objects.
* added the semiparametric tests from Tsamardinos & Borboudakis
(thanks Maxime Gasse).
* added posterior probabilities to the predictions for
{naive,tree}.bayes() models.
* fixed buffer overflow in rbn() for discrete data.