Subject: CVS commit: wip/menu-cache
From: Jeremy C. Reed
Date: 2012-11-24 03:21:36
Message id:

Log Message:
upgrade to menu-cache-0.4.1

from NEWS:

Changes in 0.4.1 since 0.4.0:

* Minor bugfix, the resulting tar file was not complete.

Changes in 0.4.0 since 0.3.3:

* The libmenu-cache is made thread-safe. Thread-unsafe APIs are marked
    as deprecated now and should be never used in any multithreaded

* Added creation of HTML developers documentation. It is triggered by
    configure script option --enable-gtk-doc.

* The libmenu-cache is made more responsible by moving some time-critical
    operations into thread. Also it preloads saved cache file if it
    exists so it is available near instantly after menu_cache_lookup().
    Caller still will get updates by adding notifier to the cache.

* Added automatic shutdown of menu-cached server after some inactivity
    timeout (i.e. all clients were unregistered).

* Fixed few memory problems (referencing errors and memory leaks).

* Fix for bug #3501347: use g_get_tmp_dir() instead of hardcoded "/tmp".

* The libmenu-cache ABI bumped to 2.
