Subject: CVS commit: wip/tortoisehg
From: Niclas Rosenvik
Date: 2014-03-05 17:02:10
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated Tortoisehg to 2.11.1
pkgsrc changes:
helpdocs now point to installed docs.

Tortoisehg changelog:

TortoiseHg 2.11.1 is a regularly scheduled bug-fix release

Bug Fixes:
chunks: bypass copy protection of repo.ui that drops eol settings (fixes #3600)
cmdui: disown temporary progress widgets so that they can be deleted (fixes memleak)
commit: do not restore last amend message on repository change (fixes #3605)
commit: say "nothing changed" instead of "code: 1" on empty \ 
amend (refs #3599)
filectxactions: reenable file log actions for working directory (closes #3613)
init: catch filesystem error while creating repository (fixes #3630)
manifestmodel: disable lookup of file-type icons from system (fixes #3594 - \ 
double overlay icons)
manifestmodel: do not ignore reload request of uncommitted changes (fixes #3595 \ 
- shelve not refresh)
manifestmodel: instantiate subrepo only when necessary (fixes #3638)
quickop: chdir to repo root so that status widget can filter file (fixes #3634)
repowidget: refresh active commit tab when purge dialog closed (closes #3643)
sync: fix list index to override pull command by fetch (fixes #3612)
update: do not eat up enter key to complete wrong revision from history
wctxactions: clear propertycache of cwd for each command execution (fixes #3603) 

archive, clone, rename: allow to resize horizontally while having fixed height
mergetools: copy TortoiseMerge entry for the one of TortoiseGit (refs #1952)
settings: list well-known smtp ports in combobox 
