Subject: CVS commit: wip
From: Tobias Nygren
Date: 2014-04-13 16:23:12
Message id:

Log Message:
libzdb-3.0 Released on 06 Jan 2014
New: Methods for retrieving Date, Time, DateTime and TimeStamp column values
  from a ResultSet. PreparedStatement_setTimestamp for setting Unix timestamp.
New: ResultSet_isnull, can be used to explicit test if a column value in a
  Result Set is SQL null. A Result Set already returns the NULL pointer for
  string and blob types and 0 for primitive data types if column value is SQL
  null, but to differ between SQL null and the value NULL or 0, this method
  can be used.
New: PreparedStatement_getParameterCount, Returns the number of parameters in
  a prepared statement
New: It is now a checked runtime error for the url parameter given in
  ConnectionPool_new to be NULL.
New: No longer require flex installed as the generated file is part of the
Fixed: Oracle: memory corruption in OracleResultSet when a Blob value is
  retrieved as a String
