Subject: CVS commit: wip/hs-texmath
From: Ryosuke Moro
Date: 2014-09-09 23:15:51
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.8

texmath (0.8)

  * Added OMML reader (Jesse Rosenthal).
  * Support latex \substack (#57).
  * Added EBoxed and implemented in readers and writers (#58).
  * Handle latex \genfrac.  Use \genfrac for \brace, \brack,
    etc. when amsmath is available.
  * Improvements in handling of space characters.
  * Use ESpace rather than EText when a mathml mtext just contains
    a space.
  * Use \mspace when needed to get latex spaces with odd sizes, rather
    than finding the closest simple command.
  * Use Rational instead of Double in ESpaced, EScaled.
  * Shared: Export getSpaceWidth, getSpaceChars.
  * Shared: Export fixTree, isEmpty, empty (formerly in MathML reader).

texmath (

  * TeX reader:  further improvements in error reporting.
    Instead of reporting line and column, a snippet is printed
    with a caret indicating the position of the error.  Also
    fixed bad position information when control sequences are
    followed by a letter.

texmath (

  * TeX reader:

    + Improved error reporting.
    + Optimized parser.
    + Treat `\ ` as ESpaced rather than ESymbol.
    + Internal improvements, including using the parsec3 interface
      instead of the older parsec2 compatibility interface.

  * Added tests for phantom.

texmath (0.7)

  * Changes in Exp type:

    + Removed EUp, EDown, EDownup, EUnary, EBinary.
    + Added EFraction (and FractionType), ESqrt, Eroot, EPhantom.
    + Added boolean "convertible" parameter to EUnder, EOver, EUnderover.
    + Changed parameter of EScaled from String to Double.
    + Changed parameter of ESpace from String to Double.
    + Removed EStretchy.
    + Added EStyled, corresponding to mstyle in mathml, and \mathrm,
      \mathcal, etc. in TeX (which can contain arbitrary math content,
      not just text).
    + Changed the type of EDelimited.  The contents of an EDelimited are
      now either Right Exp or Left String (the latter case represents a
      fence in middle position, e.g. \mid| in LaTeX).

  * Module reorganisation:  the exposed interface has been completely
    changed, and modules for reading MathML and writing TeX math
    have been added:

    + All writers now reside in Text.TeXMath.Writers.
        - Text.TeXMath.MathML -> Text.TeXMath.Writers.MathML.
          toMathML and showExp are removed, writeMathML added.
        - Text.TeXMath.OMML -> Text.TeXMath.Writers.OMML.
          toOMML and showExp removed, writeOMML added.
        - Text.TeXMath.Pandoc -> Text.TeXMath.Writers.Pandoc.
          toPandoc removed, writePandoc added.
        - New module Text.TeXMath.Writers.TeX, exporting writeTeX,
          writeTeXWith, addLaTeXEnvironment (the latter giving control
          over which packages are assumed to be available).

    + All readers now reside in Text.TeXMath.Readers.
        - Text.TeXMath.MathMLParser -> Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML,
	  exporting readMathML.
        - Text.TeXMath.Readers.TeX nows exports readTeX rather than

    + New modules for unicode conversion: Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToASCII,
      Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToTeX, Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode.

    + Two MathML specific modules: Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap,

    + In Text.TeXMath, all the XtoY functions have been removed
      in favour of rexporting raw reader and writer functions. The
      data type Exp is now also exported.

  * Bug fixes and improvements.

    + TeX writer: Properly handle accents inside \text{}.
      Use real text environments for EText (\textrm, not \mathrm).
      Improved handling of scalers (\Big etc.).  Use amsmath matrix
      environments when appropriate.  Fixed \varepsilon.
    + MathML writer:  Omit superfluous outer mrows.  Add position
      information to fences.
    + OMML writer:  Handle \phantom.
    + Pandoc writer:  Use unicode characters to support Fraktur and
      other text styles.
    + TeX reader:  Use EUnder/Over for \stackrel, \overset, \underset.
      Improved handling of primes.  Fixed \notin.  Avoid superfluous
      grouping of single elements.  Improved handling of scalers (\Big etc.).
      Handle \choose, \brace, \brack, \bangle (#21).
    + Macros:  Don't raise an error if applying a macro fails to
      resolve to a fixed point; instead, just return the original string.

  * Rewrote test suite as a proper cabal test suite.  Added
    --regenerate-tests and --round-trip options.

  * Updated texmath online demo for bidirectional conversion.

  * Removed cgi and test flags.  Added executable flag to build texmath.

  * Modified texmath so it works like a cgi script when run as
    texmath-cgi (through symlink or renaming).  Removed dependency on
    the cgi package.

texmath (0.6.7)

  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Unidecode, a module for approximating
    unicode characters in ASCII.
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Shared, a module for shared lookup
    tables between the various readers and writers
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.MathMLParser, exporting readMathML.
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.EntityMap, exporting getUnicode,
    a conversion table from MathML entities to unicode characters.
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.UnicodeToLaTeX, exporting getLaTeX,
    converting a string of unicode characters to a string of equivalent LaTeX
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.LaTeX, replacing Text.TeXMath.Parser,
    exporting toTeXMath.
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.MMLDict, implements a lookup table from
    operators to their default values as defined by the MML dictionary,
    exporting getOperator.
  * New Module: Text.TeXMath.Compat, maintaining compatibility with
    mtl < 2.2.1.
  * Modified Text.TeXMath to export the primitive readers, as well as
    mathMLTo{Writer} for all writers
  * Modified: Text.TeXMath.Types: added additional record types for
    Text.TeXMath.MMLDict and Text.TeXMath.UnicodeToLaTeX.
    New Exports: Operator(..), Record(..).
  * Modified test suite:  use cabal test, added significant number of tests.
  * Added recognition of the LaTeX command \phantom

texmath (

  * Use combining tilde accent for \tilde.  Closes pandoc #1324.

texmath (

  * Allow \left to be used with ), ], etc.  Ditto with \right.
    Previously only (, [, etc. were allowed with \left.  Closes pandoc #1319.

texmath (

  * Support \multline (previously it was mispelled "multiline")
  * Changed data-files to extra-source-files.
