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Subject: CVS commit: wip/py-toolz
From: Kamel Ibn Aziz Derouiche
Date: 2015-02-14 10:24:01
Message id:
Log Message:
New in 0.4.2
Removed intersection
New in 0.5.3
* get_in function
* add itervalues, iterkeys, iteritems to compatibility
* Add do function, remove side_effects from sandbox
* Add juxt, partner to map
* Performance improvements to merge_with
* Errors from curried functions propagate upwards
* keyfilter, valfilter
* do
New Authors:
Graeme Coupar, @obmarg
New in 0.6.0
* memoize is curried by default
* memoize support `key` keyword argument
* Cleaned up issues in curried namespace
* Unary functions memoize with just the single argument, not a tuple
* Flattened directory structure
* Add `pluck` function from underscore.js
* Remove `sandbox.jackknife`
New in 0.6.1
* Python 3.4 support
* New `join` operation
* `join`, `groupby`, ... accept non-callable key functions.
* Many speed improvements:
* Cache method lookup
* Faster `merge_sorted` without key
* An additional round of tuning on `groupby`
* Toolz builds on binstar build under mrocklin channel
* Avoid generators, favor map. Assists in debugging.
* Cleaner `curry` implementation
* Fix serialization issues for `juxt`, `complement`
* `reduceby` no longer requires `default` keyword argument
* Fix bug in `get` where `get([1], coll)` used to return element rather than
length-one tuple
* `EqualityHashKey` added to sandbox
* `juxt` returns a tuple, not a generator
New Authors:
Leonid Shvechikov, José Ricardo, Lars Buitinck, Tom Prince