Subject: CVS commit: wip/p5-Publican
From: othyro
Date: 2015-06-28 06:53:02
Message id:

Log Message:
4.3.1 Thu Jun 18 2015
- Fixed a regression in 4.3.0 that caused TOC's not to be included in \ 
wkhtmltopdf PDF's. BZ #1230023
- Fixed callout image urls being broken. BZ #1222716

4.3.0 Tue May 5 2015
- Fix web site templates to be more flexable.
- Tweak default website styles.
- Remove all FOP customisations. BZ #1168765
- Use FontAwesome for aswesomeness.
- Switch DocBook-5 HTML to highlight.js.
- Change splash page group publish directory structure so it can be used \ 
directly. BZ #1186990
- Fix duplicate link in Website docs. BZ #1188384
- Fix PDF builds ignoring overrides.css and lang.css. BZ #1165005
- Pulled in new/updated translations. BZ #1169605
- Removed duplicate IDs from PUG. BZ #1197523
- Removed the titlepage.xsl import from html-single due to breaking the xsl \ 
precedence. BZ #1187728
- Fix Publican doesn't fallback to base_brand xsl files. BZ #1185127
- Fix <section> elements being stripped in drupal-book builds. BZ #1158747
- Fix malformed HTML/Drupal XML Feed for DocBook 5 content. BZ #1158740
- Fix incorrect missing image warnings for drupal builds. BZ #1158725
- Fix articles not building when using the drupal-book format. BZ #1164640
- Fix initial title page content being skipped when a user defines a custom \ 
bookinfo id. BZ #1165482
- Fix invalid XML being generated for drupal-book, when titles contain reserved \ 
chars. BZ #1165438
- Changed the drupal feed <parent> field to use the url value instead of \ 
the title. BZ #1165724
- Fix publican.cfg values are used in the feed page <title> tag. BZ #1172402
- Fix drupal content is dropped, if the element that is chunked has no id. BZ \ 
- Adjusted the XML output so anchors to something in the same page doesn't \ 
include the page url.
- Make legalnotice chunk in a similar way as chapters for drupal builds, so it's \ 
included in the feed.
- Enable section.label.includes.component.label for common-db5. BZ #1205952
- Fix formalpara ids being dropped for DocBook 4.5. BZ #1209344
- Add --no_clean option to allow custom entity files. BZ #1208069
