texlive-collection-langeuropean | Other European languages TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langfrench | French TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langgerman | German TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langgreek | Greek TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langitalian | Italian TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langjapanese | Japanese TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langkorean | Korean TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langother | Other languages TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langpolish | Polish TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langportuguese | Portuguese TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-langspanish | Spanish TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-latex | Basic LaTeX packages | |
texlive-collection-latex-doc | Documentation for texlive-collection-latex | |
texlive-collection-latexextra | LaTeX additional packages | |
texlive-collection-latexrecommended | LaTeX recommended packages | |
texlive-collection-luatex | LuaTeX packages | |
texlive-collection-mathscience | Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages | |
texlive-collection-metapost | MetaPost and Metafont packages | |
texlive-collection-music | Music TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-pictures | Graphics, pictures, diagrams TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-plaingeneric | Plain (La)TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-pstricks | PSTricks TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-publishers | Publisher styles, theses, etc TeX packages | |
texlive-collection-xetex | XeTeX and packages | |
u-boot (V) | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (meta-package) | |
web-server | Provides some useful tools for a web server | |
windowmaker-desktop | Provides a desktop based on the WindowMaker wm | |
xfce4 | Meta-package for the Xfce desktop environment | |
xfce4-extras | Meta-package for extra optional items for the Xfce desktop environment | |
xmms-skins (V) | Skins for XMMS | |
mk | Subfolder |