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Command line utilities for working with abc music notation files
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 20211015,
Package name: abcmidi-20211015,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersabcmidi contains a collection of command line utilities for working
with abc music notation files.
- abc2midi converts an abc file into a midi file.
- abc2abc transposes the contents of an abc file to another key.
- midi2abc converts a midi file into an abc file.
- yaps renders the contents of an abc file into common music notation
and records it into a PostScript file.
- mftext presents a textual representation of a midi file.
- midicopy changes the contents of a midi file and records it in
a new midi file.
- abcmatch searches a database of abc files for certain musical
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 593.093 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2021-10-17) Updated to version: abcmidi-20211015
- (2021-07-13) Updated to version: abcmidi-20210627
- (2021-06-12) Updated to version: abcmidi-20210525
- (2021-04-17) Updated to version: abcmidi-20210221
- (2017-11-23) Package has been reborn
- (2015-01-23) Updated to version: abcmidi-20141225
CVS history: (Expand)
2021-10-26 11:59:39 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (455) |
Log message:
audio: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes.
The following distfiles couldn't be fetched (possibly they are fetched
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-ru/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-ru/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-music/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-music/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-fr/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-fr/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-en/distinfo \
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-en/distinfo \
2021-10-17 10:58:17 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
abcmidi: update to 20211015
September 15 2021
abc2midi bug:
The last fix in June 27 2021 inserting a break introduced a new bug.
The chord associated with the 'b' gchord code was missing. b and f
codes were indistinguishable. Fix: removed the break in the switch
statement for case b:
October 11 2021
abc2midi new feature:
In compliance with the ABC draft standard 2.2, I introduced additional
K: and V: options for transposition. You can now indicate the number
of semitones to transpose by giving the original note and the
corresponding transposed note in the K: or V: field using either
shift = note1note2
sound = note1note2
instrument = note1/note2
The number of semitones is determined by the difference note2 - note1.
Abcm2ps and abc2svg recognize this command, but abc2abc, yaps, and
abcmatch ignore this new option.
October 15 2021
Abc2abc -P bug
T: P bug
V:1 clef=treble
V:2 clef=bass
%%staves [1 2]
C2 D2 | C4 |
C,2 G,2 | C,4|
The command
abc2abc -t 3 -P 1
fails to transpose voice 1
This bug has been around since this option was introduced in June 7 2011.
Fortunately, it has not bothered anyone until recently.
If you add another K:c after the first V:1 command in the body as
shown below.
T: P bug
V:1 clef=treble
V:2 clef=bass
%%staves [1 2]
C2 D2 | C4 |
C,2 G,2 | C,4|
then voice 1 will be transposed correctly. Unfortunately, there is
no easy fix. When the -P option is present, abc2abc ignores the
first K: field command. (In toabc.c line 1643 event_key aborts
prior to setting up the arrays for a key transpose. Commenting
out this return statement introduces another problem.)
The main issue is that abc2abc only does one pass through the
input file. It does not know whether there is a K: field command
following V:1. If it assumes that there is none and forces a
call to event_key in event_voice, there may be another problem
when a different K: field command is found eventually. I have
decided to suspend support to the -P option because it would be
too complicated to fix this.
2021-10-07 15:10:03 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (459) |
Log message:
audio: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-07-13 09:57:13 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (2) |
Log message:
abcmidi: Update to 20210627
Language parsing fixes.
2021-06-12 08:58:47 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
abcmidi: update to 20210525
May 22 2021
abc2midi: treble-8 not applied in K: or V: commands after October 19 2020
update. For example,
T: transposition
K:none clef=treble-8
The note c should be played with midi pitch 60 instead of 72.
James Allwright made minor fixes to parseabc.c and store.c, in order
to get these options working again.
May 25 2021
James Allwright added more security checks to stop the
parser from reading numbers beyond the largest integer. Changes
were made to parserabc.c and midi2abc.c
The abc2abc -s spacing function was modified to ignore certain
time signatures like M: none or M:7/8. The code for dealing with
3/2, 3/4, 3/8 ... time signatures was improved.
2021-04-17 09:46:52 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (7) |  |
Log message:
abcmidi: update to 20210221
Unknown changes
2020-01-26 06:26:29 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (189) |
Log message:
all: migrate some SourceForge homepage URLs back from https to http
In the above commit, the homepage URLs were migrated from http to https,
assuming that SourceForge would use the same host names for both http and
https connections. This assumption was wrong. Their documentation at states
that the https URLs use the domain instead.
To make the homepages from the above commit reachable again, pkglint has
been extended to check for reachable homepages. This check is only
enabled when the --network command line option is given.
Each of the homepages that referred to https://$
before was migrated to https://$ (27), and if that
was not reachable, to the fallback URL http://$
2020-01-19 00:36:14 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (3046) |
Log message:
all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to https
pkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -F
With manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines.
This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well as, CTAN and GNU.