The following packages were found for maintainer:
Restricting search to CURRENT branch. (Show all branches)

wip/muscle-mcardplugin MuscleCard applet plugin for the MUSCLE framework
wip/p5-Net-Syslog Extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd
security/ent Entropy calculation and analysis of putative random sequences
wip/p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges
textproc/libxml++5.0 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library (5.0 API)
wip/muscle-pam PAM plugin for MUSCLE SmartCard framework
wip/p5-Net-SenderBase Query the service
wip/libmusclecard MUSCLE SmartCard framework support library
wip/muscletool Personalization tool for MuscleCard enabled smartcards
converters/php-recode PHP extension for recode support
textproc/libxml++ C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library (2.6 API)
wip/aespipe AES encryption pipe from the loop-aes project
wip/wvstreams WvStreams is a network programming library in C++
wip/mozldap LDAP C-SDK from Mozilla Project
wip/svrcore Netscape svrcore is a kind of library to handle NSS PIN requests
wip/p5-mozldap Mozilla implementation of LDAP support libraries for Perl
wip/muscle-pkcs11 MUSCLE SmartCard framework PKCS #11 library
wip/muscle-cflexplugin CryptoFlex plugin for the MUSCLE framework